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HC Strath Campus Celebrity: Niall Rachman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Strath chapter.


This week’s addition to our campus celebrity is Niall Rachman a good friend to many of us here at Strathclyde University so we thought it was about time we got some more gossip from him including his major celebrity crush (we think you stand a good chance with her Niall don’t worry)


Name- Niall Rachman


Year- 2nd


Course- International Business with Modern Languages


Relationship status- Single


Describe yourself in 3 words – Funny, motivated, Friendly


What’s your favourite night out in Glasgow?  Probably Bamboo Wednesdays


Who is your celebrity crush?  100% Emma Watson


What is the top thing to do on your bucket list?  Visit the Galapagos Islands


Do you have any hobbies?  Skydiving & Korfball


What’s your favourite food?  Peperoni Pizza


Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?  Working in America for financial firm (hopefully)


What’s been your most embarrassing moment? Bursting into lecture, 15 minutes late, really loudly, turned out it wasn’t my lecture.


Quick Fire Qs


Rugby or Football?  Rugby


Coke or Pepsi?  Coke


Summer or winter?  Summer


TOWIE or Geordie Shore?  TOWIE


Kim Kardashian or Khloe Kardashian?  Kim Kardashian


Make sure to follow HC Strath on Instagram @hercampusstrath and on Twitter @HerCampusStrath and like our Facebook page for daily updates! 


Hi, my name is Caitlin and I am a third year BA (Hons) International Business student currently majoring in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. I am a lover of all things beauty and makeup related and in my spare time I love to read fashion and beauty blogs to keep up with the latest trends. I am also a keen traveller, having spent 4 months studying in Montreal, Canada last year which was the best experience of my life to date!