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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Strath chapter.

I know most of us have at least faced this situation once or twice: when you start having a text conversation with that really cute boy you spoke to at a party/lecture/hallway/bar/gym, that list can go on and on (darn all those cute boys!) and he for some reason has stopped texting you or is taking ridiculously long to reply (can sometimes feel like a lifetime, even though it may only be a day).

1.      Ladies, STOP texting him!

If you actually like him and have already pictured the perfect relationship (I know some of us do that, *wink* even if it’s only a temporary thought) you don’t want to come off as clingy or needy or worse DESPERATE!

No man (at least not one I have ever heard of) likes an overly attached female who he has only just recently met. Of course there are a few odd ones here and there who love sticky girls, but those guys are usually the ones that are in desperate need of mountains of attention.

2.      Play along!

Maybe he is simply playing hard-to-get!  Show him you stand on your own ground, he might enjoy that and will want you even more when he sees you strut that confidence. That doesn’t mean never ever text him back if he does write you a message. If not he will think you don’t care/have lost interest and will stop writing you, which is probably not what you want (seeing as you like this muppet). Write him a message, wait it out, and occupy your mind and body with other stuff. Don’t sit at home waiting and waiting for that reply. The ball is in his court now.

If he never replies, man-up and move on (point 4)

3.      Don’t panic!

Worrying that he has already lost interest? Worst thing to do is then bombard him with ‘fun’ comments! If he likes you, he will text you back. If he is taking too long don’t worry: he may have just forgotten his phone, or he is really busy (sitting in a lecture hall with a super strict lecturer who hates mobiles or the classic dragon-lady of a tutor who may even kick him out if he whips out his phone to reply to your message). Worst comes to worst, he really doesn’t have interest in you and that’s why he isn’t replying to your messages. Ladies, then he simply isn’t worth any more of your time or your text messages.

4.      Man-up and move on. As harsh as that may sound, it’s the truth.

Whine it out to your girl friends, but believe me even they will get sick of hearing you talk about a boy who isn’t talking to you. Look ahead to better prospects, and don’t lose hope, there is a guy out there with a heart of gold and buns of steel with your name on it. We are young females: we should be actively pursuing all the joys of life, and a boy who won’t text you back is no joy!


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