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Campus Cutie : Graeme Boag

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Strath chapter.

Name: Graeme Boag

Year: 3rd

Studies: Law

Relationship status: Single pringle and ready to mingle

Most embarrassing Uni moment?

Not realising until I sat down in my first ever tutorial that I was sitting next to my ex-girlfriend’s big cousin #awkies

Celebrity Crush?

Kaley Cuoco, hubba hubba. Or Jennifer Aniston, the milf without the m!

Favourite place to go out in Glasgow?

Kushion, although I’m not too fussed after a few vodkas.

Interesting fact about yourself?

 I don’t really have any facts about myself… I have a phobia of getting my hair cut in a salon if that counts?

Biggest Turn off?

Manky teeth is the worst! Excessive piercings and a make-up line will also not be tolerated

Carly Ramsay3rd Year Undergraduate StudentStudying Geography and Law