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3 of the worst things about not being up to date with a TV series…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Strath chapter.

We have all been there…. everyone is talking about a TV show, and you literally seem to be the only person on the planet who hasn’t seen it…so you do it! You go on Netflix, you click to watch it and you become OBSESSED, obsessed as in you hate yourself for not watching it sooner! But then there is always the problem of being behind everyone else, it’s probably one of the worst things ever and these 3 reasons show the worst things about it!




You seriously can’t talk to any of your friends who watch it because you don’t want to find out anything major that won’t just ruin the series but will probably ruin your life…so we all just turn super moany telling everyone to Shut up! 



This will sadly be the new reality…you will need to avoid all social media if something big gets revealed! So say goodbye to Facebook, twitter and Instagram and just spend hours in your room trying to catch up…it’s the sad truth, but it has to be done..



Once you do get to the biggest plot twists, you will find yourself so alone because no one wants to talk about what happened 4 months ago on the TV show when there is new twists now, so you feel so alone, so depressed and so regretful that you didn’t start the program sooner! So yeah prepare for a life like Bridget Jones…