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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

A fortunate accident. Events that happen by chance but in a lucky or beneficial way. These are two examples of definitions for the word “Serendipity,” arguably my favorite word in the English language. Ever since I can remember, I always wished that there was a bigger meaning to the life that we live. I always yearned for something more than what was at the surface. Who wouldn’t want to believe this? All our lives we are told we need to have a plan. We are told that we need to execute said plan in order to achieve success. We are told to make decisions or else there won’t be results. What is the fun in that? I hate decision making but I need to have a plan. I always wished that there was this all knowing power that would send me messages to know that I’m on the right path and to help assist in making my decisions. Recently, I became aware of Serendipity and realized that this wish wasn’t far off. 

In other words, Serendipity is like fate. Serendipity is trusting in the world that everything happens for a reason. I truly believe this. Sometimes plans can hold us back and success can come from pure luck or being in the right place at the right time. I am still a planner but I know to keep my eyes open for surprises or a change in events that could alter the outcome of something in my life. 

I think that we have all experienced Serendipity in our lives. Some of us are fearful when it arrives but others welcome Serendipity with open arms. If you had asked me 5 years ago, I would have feared Serendipity but now I invite it into my life and allow it to stay a while. I am learning to enjoy the ride. 

Last week I watched the movie “Serendipity” and I am telling anyone reading this to go on Netflix and watch it. The plot is about two strangers that meet in New York City that essentially fall in love with each other at first sight. The female character strongly believes in fate and leaves it up to Serendipity to meet each other again. She feels that if they are meant to know each other then Serendipity will make it happen. She writes her name and number on a $5 bill and buys something with it so it circulates around NYC hoping it makes it back to the man she met that night. This movie had me in tears and in shock at how many signs the Universe presents to us everyday that we might ignore if we are unaware of the notion of Serendipity.

When I say that this is my favorite word I truly mean it. The word is beautiful and so is the meaning. It truly resonates with me. When I was younger my mom and aunt always took me to New York City and we went to a restaurant called Serendipity where we would have frozen hot chocolate. The movie I just wrote about also films at this restaurant in NYC. To some, this may be considered drastic but I got Serendipity tattooed on the side of my arm a few months ago. For me, it is a constant reminder that life always has a way of working itself out.

If Serendipity knocks on your door don’t say no. You could land the job of your dreams or meet the love of your life. Be open to your surroundings and remember that everything happens for a reason. The Universe is always speaking to us. 

My name is Ainslee Rodrigues and I am from Mattapoisett, MA. I am currently a junior, mediated communication major at Stonehill College! I am also double minoring in political science & graphic design. I can't wait to share my love of beauty, fashion, and lifestyle content with all of the Her Campus readers. Sit back, grab your Starbucks, and relax with us!