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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

We all remember this beauty, and if you never got to meet her during your time at Stonehill then, I am truly sorry. Bailey Herr. The QUEEN herself. 4-year member for the Stonehill Women’s Lacrosse Team, from New Jersey, lives the COOLEST life ever!!!!! You may have lived with her, you may have had classes with her, you may have been her teammate, or seen her riding around on her penny board, or driving her bright blue jeep. Either way, Bailey Herr made a presence on this campus. You might have known her as Bailey, Bail, Bay, but to me she was OB. Bailey shed a light on the campus and always, I repeat ALWAYS, put a smile on everyone’s face. So now we ask, what is the famous OB doing after college?

Well…..she is doing something only a few strong brave people would think of doing. After graduation, Bailey joined Americorps. She is stationed in New Orleans serving with a company called SBP. Bailey learned about this opportunity when she went there on a HOPE trip her Junior year of college. She fell in love with the area and the service they do. Not many people do a year of service after college but this was baileys calling and why some might say she is a hero.

I got the chance to ask Bailey about what she’s doing down south and this is what she had to say!

Where are you living?

         Bailey: I am living in the upper 7th Ward in New Orleans!


What are you doing?

         Bailey: I build and restore houses lost by Katrina and (which is newer to the program) construct opportunity housing for lower income families!


What is your position?

          Bailey: I am a Project Lead (it’s exactly as it sounds)


What is your daily routine?

         Bailey: Most days get up around 7 to get the site at 8am, set up for volunteers (or get straight to work if there are none), and work on the house until 5ish! (With some breaks of course)


What’s your favorite thing about New Orleans?

         Bailey: I love the culture here!! Everybody’s welcome, and everybody is SUPER friendly (it’s almost creepy). Also, no -10 degree days.


What’s your favorite food there?

         Bailey: My fav food here is SHRIMP AND GRITS HOLY MAMA THEY ARE GOOD


What’s your favorite restaurant there?

         Bailey: Right now I have to admit my fav restaurant weirdly is this Taco truck in East New Orleans, sounds sketchy but it’s SO good


Fav thing to do when you’re not working?

         Bailey: My favorite thing to do outside of work is exploring the area—there’s so much to do in NOLA!


What is your overall favorite thing about what you are doing?

            Bailey: My favorite thing about what I’m doing is knowing I’m helping people. And when I get to meet those people—it’s ten million times better!! Building house is grueling work, but it’s always worth it!!


Can you tell us a little bit about SBP and Americorps?

            Bailey: There are a lot of ways you can serve with Americorps, and if you’re into service or not sure what you want to do yet, I’d HIGHLY recommend looking into it!! SBP is just one of many programs funded by Americorps, where you can serve half (6 months) or full (10 months) terms in over 7 locations nationally! Shameless plug, to help shrink time between disaster and recovery, check us out at SBPUSA.org


We are all so proud of her and miss her dearly! Our Hero!!!! Check out the work she does on the website or through social media!! Keep SLAYIN down their bail, LOVE YOU!!  

Marissa Bazzano

Stonehill '20

Student at Stonehill College from Hartford Connecticut.