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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

Everyone you pass by is living a life as intricate as yours. With their own fears and desires. With their own family dynamics and friendships. Still, we merely keep walking without giving second thought. But what exactly is going on in that person’s head?

It’s so crazy how you can be so oblivious to how broken a person is. Everyone just slaps a smile on their face and carries on like everything’s okay. There is so much hurt that I can’t see and that others can’t see in me. It’s crazy how you can be completely unaware of how you make someone feel.

Do you ever wonder what other people think of you? Like when I look at someone, I have this idea of what a person is like in my head based on interactions I’ve had with them and things I’ve heard about them. Or maybe they’re a stranger and I immediately judge who they are based on trivial things-like how they walk or what they’re wearing.

But how do other people picture me? Do different people perceive me differently? Like, am I really smart to some people but annoying to others? Am I the nicest person someone has ever met but I rub other people the wrong way? Or does everyone think of me the same? Everyone’s individual mind is so unique to them that the world I see probably isn’t the same world to everyone else.

            What about dreams? Whose dreams have I randomly popped into as other people have popped into mine? Why was I there? Do I mean something to you or was it completely out of the ordinary? What did I do in those dreams? Something I would be proud of or something completely unlike me?

            I remember little details about random people that they probably don’t even remember. So, what details about me do people remember? A time when I embarrassed myself or a time that I did something astonishing?

            Am I someone worth remembering? Do I mean something important to someone I don’t even talk to? What did I mean to someone 5 years ago, and do I still mean that to them? When people think of me, what memory comes to mind first?

            What do people see in me that I don’t see in myself? Maybe I shouldn’t be afraid of being confident once in a while because people actually think of me highly. But what if they don’t? What if I’m just a complete embarrassment and I’ve been doing the right thing by laying low.

But what if I never laid low? How would my life be different if I had a different personality? What kinds of things would I do? Would I have the same friends?

            The funny thing is, I’m wondering what other people think of me in a completely honest opinion, but no one would ever admit their true feelings…even I wouldn’t.



Emma Bernier

Stonehill '22

A psychology and education studies double major at Stonehill College from Dartmouth, Massachusetts.
Nicole Geraghty

Stonehill '20

Health science major at Stonehill College from Bridgewater, MA