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Most Bingeable Shows to Watch Over and Over Again

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

     If you are like me, you probably fly through shows like there is no tomorrow or get bored easily. Well, I am here to help! If you need a show to watch before your next big drama or just looking to watch some mindless television, I have got the shows for you! Here are some shows you can watch over and over and they will never get old.

  1. New Girl

Seasons: 7 

Episodes: 146 (20-25 mins each)

Stream: Netflix

2. Seinfeld

Seasons: 9

Episodes: 180 (20-25 mins each)

Stream: Netflix

3. Rick and Morty

Seasons: 5

Episodes: 49 (20-25 mins each)

Stream: Hulu or HBO Max

4. Criminal Minds

Seasons: 15

Episodes: 324 (45-50 mins each)

Stream: Netflix

5. The Office

Seasons: 9

Episodes: 201 (20-25 mins each)

Stream: Peacock

6. That 70s Show

Seasons 8

Episodes: 200 (20-25 mins each)

Stream: Unavailable but was on Netflix

7. Golden Girls

Seasons: 7

Episodes: 180 (20-25 mins each)

Stream: Hulu

8. Grey’s Anatomy 

Seasons: 18 (renewed for 19)

Episodes: 388 (45-50 mins each)

Stream: Netflix

9. Friends

Seasons: 9

Episodes: 236 (20-25 mins each)

Stream: HBO Max

10. Parks and Rec

Seasons: 7

Episodes: 125 (20-25 mins each)

Stream: Peacock

My name is Grace and I live in Boston, Massachusetts. I come from a long line of strong, hard-headed, bad-ass feminist. Some of many passions is reading, writing, and photography as well as playing sports. Writing is something that I have always loved to do since I was little and I am so excited to be a part of Her Campus!