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HC Stonehill Answers: What is your Favorite Study Spot on Campus?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

Finding the best place to study is something that every college student has to go through. Most students try out a few places, until they truly find the place that makes them the most productive. At HC Stonehill’s most recent group meeting, we asked our members what their favorite study spot on Stonehill’s campus is. If you are looking for new places to study, check out what our chapter’s members said! Happy studying!

Chloe: The booths at Ace’s Place, located on the first floor of the library

Marisa: The booths at Ace’s Place, located on the first floor of the library

Briana: The cubicles on the far side of the library

Julianna: Upstairs study room in Meehan Business School

Kenzie: The second floor cubicles of the library

Kailey: Third floor of the library

Piper: Second Floor of the Shields Science Building

Paige: Anywhere outside 

Rebecca: First floor of the library

Caroline: Left side of the library