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Activities to Get Your Summer Started

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I am counting down the days to summer break. So, I’ve been spending some time thinking about how to spend those long summer days (aside from working of course). Here are a few summer bucket list ideas for your summer of 2024.

Go to a concert

Summertime always has a stacked lineup of artists going on tour. Check out your favorite performers and see if they are coming to a venue near you.

Beach Day

Personally, one of my favorite summer activities is spending time laying in the sand and floating in the ocean. If this sounds like something of interest to you, pack up your towel, don’t forget the sunscreen, and take a drive to your nearest beach.


Summer is a great time to spread out a blanket in an empty field far from lights and do some stargazing. Warm nights are perfect to recline and keep your eyes open for shooting stars and connect the dots of constellations.

find your next summer read

As a self proclaimed book nerd, I have a much too long TBR (to be read) list. Summer can come with plenty of time to catch up on your reading. Whether you want to read one book or twenty, it’s a wonderful way to pass the time.

Ice cream

I couldn’t help but mention this one. Is there anything better than your favorite flavor of ice cream on a 90-degree day? Go grab a cone with a friend or significant other—or just treat yourself!

berry picking

With strawberries in June and blueberries in July, picking your own berries is a fun summer activity that provides you with some delicious fresh fruit.

Take a hike

If you live in New England, there’s bound to be some sort of mountain nearby. Going on a mountain hike is a great form of exercise and rewards you with some spectacular views. Or, if steep inclines aren’t for you, go on a nice walk on a path or trail.

Kailey Samarjian

Stonehill '26

Kailey is a sophomore at Stonehill College with a double major in English and Environmental Studies. She loves all things reading and writing, and some of her other hobbies include crocheting, going on walks, and dreaming about traveling the world.