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5 Tips to Acing Midterms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

Midterm week is a stressful time collegiettes! No one enjoys staying up until 4 am reading endless text that does not even end up on the exam. But have no fear! If you follow these five simple steps you can be on the road to making Dean’s list and acing those midterms in no time!

  1. Don’t Procrastinate! I know this is probably a difficult task for you to wrap your mind around but trust me, DO NOT wait until the last minute to study. If you find out you have a midterm in the approaching week, block out three hours of each day to review texts studied in the class, practice problems, and seek out your professor if you do not understand a concept. Trust me , if you study a little bit each day, you will feel completely prepared by the time your midterm arrives.
  2. Form a Study Group! Get together with a couple students from your class and study together. Working in a group can help others understand difficult topics. Compare notes in case you missed anything in class. Working in a group setting can also make studying seem faster and easier. This is also a great way to socialize and make new friends.
  3. Take Breaks! Don’t try to study all at once. Take a ten minute break every hour. Get up, stretch your legs, eat some healthy snacks, and drink lots of water (not energy drinks). This will help you to stay motivated and reenergize your brain to continue your scholarly studies. Face it collegiette, you are not going to remember a constant flow of information for hours on end. So stand up, take a break, and breathe some fresh air.
  4. Stay Away from Social Media! As tempting as it is, do not check your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc! This could end in hours of procrastination and ultimately failing your midterm! If you have a Mac computer use the Self Control Application, which will block Facebook for however many hours you want. You can literally shut off your computer, turn it back on, and still not get onto your social media site. If you have a PC, have a trusted friend change your password and not tell you what it is until after midterms. Or simply have the willpower to avoid social media! It could be the difference between having your own office and asking if you want fries with that order.
  5. Sleep! A good night sleep is essential to acing your test. Try to get at least six to eight hours per night. Being well rested will allow your brain to function in a more productive manner. You will feel more prepared and ready to attack the test. As tempting as all-nighters sounds, it is actually detrimental to your health and your brain power. You will not retain a majority of the information you studied in the wee hours of the night. So cozy up next to that body pillow and slap that eye-mask on for a full night of sweet dreams.  

As midterm season arrives, take these five easy steps toward living a healthy and smarter college life. Don’t let your stress overcome you. Relax, take breaks, eat healthy, and sleep! Soon, you’ll be on your way to CEO status.

Photo source:http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=834&bih=443&tbm=isch&tbnid=sHgUFVCjMsfHCM:&imgrefurl=http://lowerquad.blogspot.com/2011/01/test-run.html&docid=R46QD5sx2g-XvM&imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_YfjnI7cXTZE/TT28pDbGttI/AAAAAAAAAEA/mqzESWdu2cA/s320/midterm.gif&w=207&h=218&ei=V9xPT6yVCqTh0QG-z43sDQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=110&sig=107681807535662597550&page=1&tbnh=103&tbnw=98&start=0&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0&tx=50&ty=40

Kate McCarthy is  a senior at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts. She is a Communications major and a journalism minor. Although she does not know what she wants to do when she graduates, her dream job is having her own talk show and becoming a one woman sensation, like Oprah. At Stonehill, you can find her  winning championships with her intramural basketball team, swimming laps in O'Hara Pond or reading James Patterson novels in the cafeteria. After a semester studying abroad in the Czech Republic, her main goal in life is to travel the world. She is currently interning in Los Angeles, at the Queen Latifah show.