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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

With my final semester of college being more than halfway over, I have found myself very sentimental lately and appreciating the little things I have taken for granted over the years being a college student. In all honesty, over the past four years, I couldn’t wait to graduate college, but now that graduation is so close, I’m realizing all of the many things I’ll miss about college. I find it rather hard to believe that I am a 22-year-old college senior that will be graduating soon. I still feel like a little kid at heart, and I can’t even fathom that in just a few months I will be done with college and in the real world. If you’re an underclassman reading this, take my advice and cherish all of the little things about college. I know it can be stressful at times with the pressure of academics, but the social aspect of college is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Here are the five things I will miss most about college…

1. Living with my best friends

I don’t think I ever truly realized until now what a memorable experience it is to live with your best friends. I am so incredibly grateful to my suitemates, and I cherish all of our memories of living together these past few years. There really is no experience like living with your best friends. I’m especially going to miss living with my roomie since we’ve lived together since our sophomore year! I’m so thankful to have a roommate that is also my best friend, and I’m really going to miss living together and the never-ending sleepovers that come with college living.

2. Walks around campus

There is truly nothing like taking a walk around Stonehill’s campus. I’m going to miss going for walks around campus to destress. These past four years whenever I was feeling overwhelmed with coursework I would always walk around campus and listen to music to feel better. I feel so fortunate to have been able to spend these last four years on such a beautiful campus, and I’m going to miss taking walks around campus and taking in the beautiful scenery. 

3. The routine of being a college student

I’m a person who is big on routine, so I’ve always been a fan of the structure that comes with being a college student. I love that I am able to plan my day around my class schedule and manage my own time. I certainly won’t have as much time for myself once I start working a full-time job! I’m definitely going to miss having more flexibility in my day to manage my time, but I am also excited to enter the real world and start my professional career journey. 

4. School breaks

Thinking about the fact that there are no summer breaks or winter breaks in the real world is a scary thought. What gets me through a rigorous academic semester is knowing that a school break is around the corner, so this is definitely going to be a big adjustment when I enter the real world. What I am going to miss most is summer breaks because I love spending time at the beaches in my hometown, but on a positive note, I will still be able to enjoy summer weekends at the beach!

5. The Stonehill Community 

The thing I will miss the most about college is the sense of community that comes with being a Stonehill student. I don’t think there is a college with a community of students that are kinder and more welcoming than Stonehill students are. It truly is such an inclusive and welcoming environment that I am going to miss following my graduation in May. I am so grateful to have been a part of the Stonehill community for the past four years and I am truly going to miss it. The students, faculty, and staff at Stonehill make up the compassionate and caring community that I will cherish in my heart forever. 

Thank you Stonehill for all of the laughs, friendships, and memories that I will cherish forever. With my final semester being a college student soon coming to a close, I am saddened to say farewell to this chapter in my life and excited for what the future has in store!

Hi! My name is Natalie and I am a senior at Stonehill College pursuing a Marketing and Communication double major. I also have a passion for graphic design and creative writing!