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The Semester After Spring Break as Told by Liz Lemon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stockton chapter.

Now that spring break is over, the rest of the semester is rolling in, full force. We’re in the last stretch before the beach calls and the sun shines. Unfortunately for most the last month of the semester is the longest and most stressful part of the school year. With final projects, exams, and struggling to make it to class when the weather is beautiful it’s hard to imagine making it through. However, I’m sure that Liz Lemon of 30 Rock can sum up how we feel about the rest of the semester.  

Even if you spent your spring break at work or on the couch, I think we can all agree that having some time off from school made us yearn for summer just that much more. Waking up for our 8:30 am classes on a Monday feels a bit more unaccomplishable.

The motivation to finish the semester strong is slowly designigrating.  Perhaps ignoring assingments completely isn’t the route, but pushing them off until the absolute last minute, now that sounds about right.  

There comes a time during the last month or so when you realize that the slacking off you did in mid Februrary was totally not worth it. 

If you’re anything like me, the stress of classes can lead to an all out existential crisis. Do I even like this major? Am I good at it? Should I search for a more fitting career path? 

Having a meltdown and experiencing some rage that looks a little like.. 

But, eventually you start to realize that you will make it through and that there’s more to life than your classes. You’ll pull through, and so will your GPA. Summer is almost here, but try to have fun even in the midst of your end of semester mini crises.