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The 9 Stages of Finals Week as told by Dwight Schrute

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stockton chapter.

Ahhhh, Finals week… a time of wild emotions, mood swings and overall chaos. In a time of such madness where we can’t even begin to describe what we’re going through, who better to express our fleet of feelings than the beloved maniac of The Office, Dwight Schrute?  

1. You discover you have 3 presentations, 2 research papers and 4 exams all due in the same week.

How is this even going to be humanly possible?

2. You have a mental breakdown. Or two. Or nine.

There are simply not enough hours in the day. There are simply not enough iced caramel macchiatos in the world. Nope, there’s simply no way this is going to work. 

3. You become ruthless against your peers.  

Someone asks you a simple question, but you’ve been studying for over week and they haven’t spoken to you all semester. You’re on your own, pal.

4. Delirium sets in.

All those all-nighters finally hit you and you lose your sanity. Chaos ensues.

5. You begin to say things you don’t really mean.

Seeing that your face has been shoved in books all week, your social skills aren’t exactly top notch.

6. You’re constantly on edge.

With all of the stress, aggravation, anxiety and sleep deprivation, you’re on edge 24/7.

7. Eventually, you accept defeat and give up.

“If it’s meant to be, it will be.” I give up.

8. You seek new means of teaching yourself an entire semester of material.

Reviewing through textbooks can only get you so far, time to take matters into your own hands. 

9. Victory.

You did it and now you get to do it all over again next semester. Yay.

Founder, Editor-in-Chief & Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Stockton University School of Business - Marketing Concentration | Stockton University