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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stockton chapter.

*Warning: this post may contain spoilers*

If you grew up not watching at least one episode of Full House, were you even a 90’s kid? I waited my entire life for a new Full House and the genies of Netflix fulfilled my wishes when they created Fuller House. A fabulous show to help millenniums because bright, young adults just like those on Full House helped me become the person I am today. Here is what Fuller House taught me and should teach you:

Family is more than just the bloodline.

I love my family and I wouldn’t want to change it for the world. Family is given to you but the friends that are family; they’re chosen, and they are just as much of family as your parents and siblings.

Family comes first.

In the first episode, when the Tanners see how much DJ is struggling to be a single mom, they all jump in and help DJ out. Joey, Jesse and Becky, and of course Danny were going to make sacrifices to help out, but Stephanie and Kimmie stepped in. We make selfless acts to help our family because we know that they would do the same for us.   

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

I love DJ for teaching me this. I feel the need to never ask for help, but DJ asked her father if she could stay with him for a little while after her husband died, she asks Kimmie and Stephanie to help take care of the kids. Thanks DJ for teaching me that it’s okay to ask for help.

Everyone goes through his or her own battles.

Sometimes parents get divorced, you move to a new school, have to cope with new roommates; whatever the case may be. Everyone has their own struggles and it’s important to keep that in mind.

It’s okay to choose yourself.

Thanks DJ again for reminding me that I am just as important. You taught me that it’s okay to stay in for a night, you taught me to do whatever is best for me. But the most important thing that I learned was that you taught me to choose me and that I don’t have to make a decision on which guy to date because the most important person in life is yourself.  

Thanks so much Netflix for creating a fabulous season with the best characters to teach me how to continue living my life, to be the best person that I can be. Also thanks Uncle Jesse for being everyone’s Uncle Jesse. You have taught me a lot of things growing up and I am glad you get to help more teenagers!

Founder, Editor-in-Chief & Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Stockton University School of Business - Marketing Concentration | Stockton University