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How to Keep Up With the News

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at STCU chapter.

 The world is more connected than ever. There is always something to report about, either if that is in the United States or outside of our borders. As a Political Science major, I’ve learned that it isn’t fun to be out of the loop in world news. Especially, at this moment with many things escalating with U.S. relations. I have five apps that will help you stay up to date and with easy understanding of what’s going on. With these five apps you can customize your feed, get alerts, and see what others are reading. Each news app below has the iTunes app link to them. 

1. News360

2. BBC News

3. AP Mobile

4. NPR News Radio

5. News Republic

Andrea Duarte-Alonso is a grad from Saint Catherine University where she received her bachelor's of Art in Political Science, Women's Studies, and English. She founded HC STCU in order to include voices that are hardly ever represented in media. Andrea is a storyteller, writer, and a political enthusiast. Her areas of interest lie in writing (check her website storiesfromunheardvoices.com that was created for her community), traveling, and fighting for social justice issues.