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When It Comes To Dating, New Facebook App Eliminates Fear of Rejection

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stanford chapter.

It’s no secret that Stanford students lead busy lives. In between class, practice, starting companies, saving the world, curing cancer and everything else, there’s hardly any time for dating, let alone wondering if that cute guy in section likes you or LIKE likes you.
Thanks to a couple of Columbia Business School grads, your problems may have a solution. The new Facebook iWould app cuts away the whole “are they interested?” hemming and hawing and jettisons “missed connection” moments between cowardly parties too shy to make the first move.
Users of the app make a completely anonymous list of 1 to 10 people they WOULD date. If someone on your list also put you on theirs, you both get notifications. Otherwise, no one will ever know who’s on whose list thus totally removing the element of rejection. The number cap is in place to make sure people don’t constantly rotate out their lists just to see who’s interested in them. Hopefully by selecting only 10 out of what is likely 100s of Facebook friends, any match made will be that much more meaningful
With its total anonymity, the iWould app could finally be the magic cure that gives Stanford students the courage to step up and get rid of the Farm’s no-dating rep. Just be warned, to use the app, you must “like” it on Facebook which will let everyone know you’re using it!
How it works:

1. Go to the App on Facebook by clicking here

2. Click “Go to App”

3. Get started by selecting anywhere from one to ten people that you “would” with. 

4. Sit and await your matches!
The only way the App can be successful is if we can get the entire Stanford community to try it out.  So tell all of your friends!