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Shaking My Head: 4 Habits That Need To Go Away Forever

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stanford chapter.

“Shaking My Head”, often abbreviated as smh, is a common term that’s probably popped up in the statuses of Facebook friends and maybe even in everyday conversation. Generally, it implies you’re “shaking your head” at something you find, well, ridiculous.
In spirit of jest and ‘calling people out’, I gathered a smattering of things that come up on my smh radar that solicits an eye roll or actual swaying of the cranium.

1. Sock and Sandals

It’s a crime that frankly no one should commit. It really has a simple solution – either ditch the socks and just rock the sandals or put on some sneakers. You’d think that’d be easy enough yet there are still so many offenders. I understand the athletes who just want a break from the constricting sneaker, so they put on the single strap rubber sandal to relax.  So what’s everyone else’s excuse? It doesn’t even look comfortable.
2. Leashes on Children

Congratulations, you’ve officially turned your child into an animal. I get that you don’t want to lose your child. However, I’m also a firm believer in good parenting and a well-behaved child makes it their job to stay with their parent.  Sure the parent should watch their offspring and ensure their safety, but there HAS to be a better method than strapping a backpack on a kid with a leash attached to it. And no, just because the backpack is a cuddly monkey does not make it any better. You’re still treating your kid like an unruly barbarian, which makes me wonder if you could really blame the child for acting like one. 
3. Impatience
Alcohol may be the social lubricant of the party scene, but in the daylight, polite manners help all of us live in some kind of harmony. There’s nothing more infuriating than a grown adult acting like a toddler while waiting in a long line. We get it. You’re tired of the wait. You have places to be and people to see. We know, you told us at least 6 times already. If you’re going to be late for a meeting or event, then there is a simple solution: leave.
4. Super Strong Eyebrows
The hair above your eyes regardless of how sparse or thick should be cared for and nurtured into an appropriate shape for you face. Some ladies or well-groomed men feel the need to strengthen their brows with pencil, liner, or powder. Now a little augmentation is not a bad thing, and it can really help balance out your face. However, one should approach their eyebrows carefully and remember that you are not sculpting a new face. A natural look is always appealing unless you’re going for some sort of lady of the night look. In that case, I shake my head at the whole idea, as I believe that even strippers should be classy. On a side note to my ladies and men with the opposite issue, use your tweezers with caution. I completely understand the compulsion to get every stray hair, but most people are prone to over-plucking. I say if you find that you admire someone’s eyebrows ask them what they do or who does their eyebrows.