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Senior Fall: 5 Things to Remember Going into Your Last Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stanford chapter.
  1. Senior events are a must.

Whether or not you made it to Senior Welcome, the first football game, or the first few Senior nights, make sure to attend something! In my experience, the best part of these events has been running into people: freshman year dorm mates, old friends, former IHUM section-ers, or study-abroad buddies.  Everyone is coming out in force because (not like any of us can forget it) it’s senior year!  You’re going to enjoy yourself regardless of the logistics of the event because you’ll get to bask in what makes Stanford amazing – its people. And hey, watching our amazing football team, dancing the night away, and enjoying the ever-present free event food isn’t too bad either.

  1. Savor your favorite places.

For many of us, this will be our last year on campus, and potentially the last year in the Bay Area. Make it count my fellow Stanfordites! Whether you love listening to jazz at the CoHo, dining at that little place off of University, or biking in the hills, go and enjoy the places you love most. It’s hard to fit it in to your schedule, yes, but why not study at a café instead of the library? Meet up with friends or your club in a new and exciting location? Actually write in some relaxing time in the place you find most relaxing? Don’t forget yourself in the midst of crazy senior year.

  1. Make time for friends – not just applying for jobs.

If places are important to savor, your friends are even more important. No matter how many things are on your to-do list, always make sure your friends aren’t being left out to dry. If there’s one thing you’ll carry with you out of Stanford– and I’m not talking about your diploma – it’s the friends that truly merit the adjective “life-long.” Don’t let friendships wither in the face of the future – it’s something you’ll always regret.

  1. Don’t forget to explore, even if it’s just on campus.

Just because you’ve found your niche, don’t stop exploring! There still are cool clubs, events, and activities to try. Social dance? Why not! Running club? Ok! Working on the Stanford farm? Windsurfing? Taking that Econ class? Take a cue from Jim Carey in “Yes Man!” and just say yes.

  1. Breathe.

Already our schedules are getting packed with to-do’s, short-term goals, long term assignments, advisor meetings, club rallies, planning graduation (already, it’s nuts!). So take a moment – unplug your laptop, phone, iPod, and step away from the textbook, planner and research paper to breath. Enjoy the moment, the blessing, and the gift that is our time at Stanford.