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Operation Beach Body

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stanford chapter.

So you’re a computer science major and you’ve forgotten what the sun feels like or maybe you’re so in love with your new beau that you can’t say no when he offers you chocolates… again.

But the fact of the matter is that we are just weeks away from summer. That means more time to be outdoors half-naked and showing off what will hopefully be a drool-worthy body by then. Panicking yet?
You may be pressed for time, but buckle down now and optimize your results within a month. Here are some quick tips from yours truly to shrink that muffin top and slide effortlessly into your favorite pair of jeans:
Amp up the intensity.
More is not better; smarter is better. I know we’re all busy college students, and slaving away on the cardio machines is no way to be spending your precious time. If you’re going to work out, then make the most of it. Ditch the low-intensity cardio and hit the weights. Yes, ladies, I mean you. The best way to develop a perky, enviable derriere is to perform movements such as the squat, the deadlift and the lunge. And don’t be afraid to go heavy. It’s time to ditch those mini dumbbells and really give your muscles a true workout. Or for a great metabolic bodyweight workout, try this:
25        bodyweight squats
10-15   pushups (the real kind!)
15-20   squat jumps
15-20   mountain climbers
30-60swall sits
Allow yourself minimal to no rest in between exercises. Catch your breath for one minute between circuits, then repeat 3-4 more times. Warning: This will burn.
Find healthier alternatives.
This one should be a no-brainer. If I ever find you moaning and groaning about your love handles while clutching a milkshake in your hand and a burrito in the other, I will smack you (just kidding, but seriously… come on!). Healthy food doesn’t have to mean boring food. And as much as I hate to say it, your diet – much more than your exercise – is going to largely determine how you look. How long does it take to burn 500 calories? Maybe about an hour. How long does it take to consume 500 calories? Oh, a few minutes will do. Kind of scary, isn’t it? So if you can’t really find time to work out, that’s okay; just remember that you can always control what foods you put into your body. This is one of my favorite simple dining hall concoctions:
1 cup   brown rice
1 or 2   chicken breasts
Smidge of soy sauce and salt
Dice chicken breasts. Mix all ingredients for a hearty chicken bowl. Nothing says yum quite like good carbs and high quality protein!  
Guzzle that water.
If you recall from my previous article, I recently competed in a fitness model competition (and came home with a 2nd place trophy!). In the final week leading up to the show, I downed a whopping 10 liters of water a day. Why? This may come as a surprise, but the more water you drink, the more water that is expelled from your body. While you certainly don’t need to be drinking as much as I did, making a conscientious effort to swig down some H2O is one of the best ways to eliminate any lingering bloat. To get in more water:
·         Drink as soon as you wake up.
·         Swap out even the diet soda – the artificial sweeteners in those cans can cause bloat.
·         Keep a water bottle with you at all times – in class, at your desk, and even in your car. The more you see it, the more you’ll drink.
March confidently forward armed with these tips! Remember, there are no magic tricks or gimmicks to getting in shape. Consistency is key, and keeping it simple… works.