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How to Make the Sidewalk your Catwalk – 3 Steps to Style

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stanford chapter.

Many of your peers roll out of bed, throw on some sweats that are hopefully clean and run to class with the hope of not hitting bike-rush hour (aka t-minus five minutes to class). It’s all about speed. But you, dear reader, are different. Your alarm clock is set 15 minutes ahead to make sure you are turning heads on your way to and from class. Here are three key tips for you, stylish streetwalker, on how to make any sidewalk your catwalk – even if it’s just around the Quad.


The first thing any model practices is walking – usually in sky high heels, but she practices her strut. While I won’t tell you to throw on your stilettos and walk to The Axe and Palm, the key to the sidewalk catwalk is posture. When your shoulders aren’t slouching, not only will you look slimmer, but your body will convey the catwalk confidence that’s going to draw the right type of attention. This means that not slouching is different than sticking out your chest and your butt. Think regal, not tacky.
Attitude not “Cat”itude
Any fashion conscious chica such as yourself knows Tyra’s catch phrase “Be fierce” for America’s Next Top Model. Please, ladies, don’t take this too seriously. If you are caught walking around campus with a growl on your lips and ferocity in your eyes, you may just scare many a sleep-deprived student. Walking the sidewalk catwalk is all about having a self-confidence that comes out in your look. Don’t stare down your peers as if they were a camera – stay natural, smile, and don’t, I repeat don’t, stick your chin up in the air as if you were America’s Next Top Model.
Stylish, not Trendy
When Vogue and Nylon hit the shelves, it’s tempting to start making a “to-buy” list of all the season’s hottest trends. Whether it’s leopard everything, color blocking or gladiator sandals, stop yourself before you have a pile of new “trends” to hand in your closet. The problem with trends is they tend to dissipate pretty quickly – and getting stuck with that red biker jacket that will only remind you of that date-gone-wrong isn’t a fun idea. So before you rush to copy your favorite fashion publication, think about what trends will work with your current wardrobe. Don’t buy something that is similar to what you already have. And if you are dying for those new tie-dye shorts, go to a store such as Forever 21 or H&M to get a cheaper version to whet your fashion appetite.
With these three tips, you’ll be making your normal route to class into your catwalk. Don’t be surprised if you start getting looks and respect for your style.