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5 Tips To Maximize Your Time At The Activities Fair

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stanford chapter.

NSO is a crazy, exciting, fun, and nerve-wracking experience. With so many activities to do, you may feel worn out by the time the first day of school rolls around. Don’t get too worn out though – you definitely want to spend some time at the campus Activities Fair (Friday, Sept. 30, 12-4 p.m.). The Fair takes over White Plaza so that all of our student organizations (there are hundreds of them!) can advertise and demonstrate their unique interests and coolness. This means that it can be a very overwhelming experience. Here are some simple tips to maximize your fun at the Fair and minimize your stress.

1.      Go before you have class or another event.
If you go to the fair when you don’t have unlimited time, you’re more likely to spend your time well. If you go with indefinite time to stay you’re going to get lost in your purpose. Having someone else come with you can also help move you along and not get bogged down in certain areas of the fair

2.     Go in knowing what things you’re interested in.
Have some ideas of what kind of groups you are looking for. The fair is loosely organized by activity type, so this can help you develop a game plan for checking out tables. Caution, however, to boxing yourself in. Don’t be afraid to explore new types of groups and check out things that look cool.

3.     Know when to say no – to email lists.
Tablers are going to want you to sign up for their email lists to give you announcements and news. All tablers will ask you to sign up – but only say yes to groups you are serious about! If not, you’re going to be overwhelmed by all the emails you will start getting and probably miss out on the ones you actually want to read. Be selective in what you sign up for.

4.     It’s okay not to talk to all the tablers.
Just because someone says hi or you are looking at a table’s sign does not mean you are required to have a conversation with the people at the table. It’s ok to smile and keep walking – you’ll actually have energy to talk to the people in groups that truly interested in you.

5.     Don’t get overwhelmed.
The fair is big, and there is no way for you to cover everything. Make sure you bring water, take breaks, and realize when you’re tired of looking. Just because you don’t find the activity or group of your dreams doesn’t mean you won’t run into them through events, announcements, and activities throughout the year. When you’re tired, leave.
Activities Fair is a must, but realizing its limitations and your limitations is a must as well. Good luck and enjoy!