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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Vincent chapter.

Yeah, I know that you didn’t ask for the fear factor! But really, I’m speaking to the breakdown fear that we all have inside. Everyone has certain vulnerabilities that they try their hardest to hide from the world, because in all honesty, our world is pretty scary. Each and every day people are torn apart for being different or having a unique perspective. However, today I would like to share my own fear, because maybe it will help someone else that has the same feelings I do. So, here goes nothing …


I’m afraid that I’m not living life to the fullest.

Sometimes I wonder if what we’ve been taught our entire lives to be the perfect timeline is actually true. Maybe we should wait for the best plans to unfold and let the pieces lay where they fall into place. It’s okay to not have every moment planned out or written in stone. But yeah, I don’t want to wake up one day and realize that I have regrets for not living in the moment or living life to its full purpose. So, next time I’m going to let the pieces fall where they may.

Image Credit: AbsFreePic


I’m afraid to be left down again.

Since it’s almost Valentines day, I have the single blues yet again. People always tell me that I’m too young and busy for it to matter. But, with the right person it would matter. We think that swiping right on tinder will magically tape our hearts back together. So, we go on all of these small dates and it doesn’t fix anything. In fact, we are left down so many times that it really does start to hurt. Then I shield myself from others, but in reality, I need to open up to find myself and face the future.

Image Credit: iStock​


I am afraid that I’m invisible.

Everyone loves the Princess Diaries. That’s because the person everyone would least expect to become a princess actually transforms before their eyes. It can be really hard to connect with people that you barely know or are only acquaintances with. Especially when you only know them from your creative writing class. I try to make conversation with people, but most of the time it is meaningless. This is definitely something I need to work on, connecting with people I might not know very well. Honestly, I don’t want to be forgettable.

I’m afraid that someone will see how self-conscious I am.

Everyone tries to put on their best face when they’re in public. In fact, most people mention that I’m always happy or bubbly. Deep down I’m not always as happy as some people think. I just try to put my best face on in public, and smiling is sometimes the only thing you can do instead of getting upset. I want you to know that it’s okay to be self-conscious, because no one is perfect inside. Whether you choose to hide it or not, people should respect your strength.

Image Credit: Medium


Thank you so much for having a heart to heart with me today! Hopefully this article can help someone else struggling with the same fears as myself. Empowered ladies help the women around them. Have a great Valentines day, and make sure that you take care of yourself along the way!



Allie Richter

St Vincent '20

Just taking this life day by day. Staying positive and making the most out of what has been placed in this life. Growl Meow • SVC’20 Math Ed Major Special Ed Minor Emotional Supporter