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What I Wish I Knew Freshman Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Vincent chapter.

Going away to college is a scary, yet exciting time in your life. You are expected to pack up almost everything you own and leave everything you know. Whether or not you are far away from home, it seems like you are forced to grow up extremely fast. Personally, I thought I was ready for college but then again, I had no idea what I was in for. Sometimes I wish I could go back and tell my 18-year-old self what I should know my freshman year and I think it is important to share some things that are important to know in your first year of college.

Be outgoing

I cannot stress this enough. It may be really hard to become an extrovert overnight but being outgoing during your freshman year of college will go a long way. You’ll be able to meet and get to know so many people and it will help you find the people you want to surround yourself with. It is not fun to be the girl sitting in her room when there are different welcome socials going on – so get out there! Channel your inner “it girl” and make friends.

Get involved

Go to a club fair and sign up for clubs that interest you and even a few that you never thought to join. You will get to meet some many new and different people this way. And you don’t have to be fully involved in every club anyways. It is so important that you get involved on campus and make your new home into an actual home.

See a tutor

If you are struggling in that hard class, go to a tutor or see your professor. Your professor’s are always willing to help you and sometimes you can get bonus for the class by going to a tutor (win, win!).

Do not buy every textbook

And do not buy them from the bookstore unless you absolutely have to. There are so many websites at your disposal to compare prices and get the best deal. It is okay to rent too because you are not going to want to have your book for that elective class 5 years from now.

You won’t be friends with everyone

College is a time to really find out who you are and sometimes that is a drastic change from your high school self. And there is not a problem with that because it is life, it happens. And while you are out there finding yourself, you’’ find a group or people or just one person who gets it. You are finding your niche and not everyone can fit. College is not a popularity contest and you will not be friends with everyone.


This is the absolute most important part of college. You cannot survive on 3-5 hours of sleep night after night for years on end. Sleeping is crucial for your brain and without it, you will suffer. Sleeping also helps your skin and body. You will be more focused in class and look better too!

Go out

And no that does not necessarily mean go to a party, get out of your room in general. Do your homework in the library, outside if weather permits, or in a common area on campus. You will able to meet some people and you won’t find yourself feeling lonely if you would being stuck in your room alone. However, if you hear about a party or are invited to one, go. You do not have to drink alcohol to have fun and sometimes just being in the exciting atmosphere is enough to have fun and for the last time, meet people.

It is self-explanatory and I said it so many times but meet people. Having at least one person by your side for four years of your life will make all the difference. College is great and being surrounded by amazing people makes all the difference in the world.

Kaura Bassegio is a Saint Vincent College Alumna with a degree in marketing. As founder and former President of the St. Vincent chapter, Kaura worked on pitching ideas, editing, and leading a large team of women. Throughout her years at Saint Vincent, Kaura worked in the retail industry where she received her internship at American Eagle Outfitters. Now that she is a college graduate, Kaura will be focused on family, friends, and most importantly, finding a job! She is interested in fashion and her dream is to live and work in New York City. Follow her on Instagram: kauralbassegio