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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Vincent chapter.

After posting this photo on my Instagram story, I got a lot of questions about how I got this much stuff for only $21. The answer is simple: thrift stores are your friend! So many people see thrift shopping in a negative light, so I hope to change that in this article. Not only does it save money, but you’re exposed to fun fashion options you may have not considered before and are doing the Earth a huge favor, too.

At the beginning of this year, it really hit me that I was spending way too much of my money on clothes. I did so because I love fashion and am obsessed with creating outfits from my wardrobe. I always felt the pressure to keep up with the latest trends, so I would frequently shop online at brand-name retailers. I was burning through my money quickly, so I decided to reevaluate my shopping habits. I realized that I could be getting stylish clothes for much less if I was conscious about where I was shopping.

I had thrift shopped a few times in the past, but I had not appreciated it to the full extent. That is, until I started buying the majority of my things second-hand. Thrifting my clothes, accessories, and home goods has truly saved my bank account. Before, $50 would get me one pair of jeans. Now, I could get about 4 outfits for that amount. Every time I leave the thrift store, I think to myself: “why did I used to shop anywhere else?” I’m at the age now where my money really matters and has to be spent on necessary items or put into savings. That’s not to say my “treat yo’ self” mentality has gone anywhere because I still can’t help myself but to seek new fashion statements. I’m much stricter with my spending but haven’t felt limited because thrifting has allowed me to maintain my passion for fashion while on a budget!

For example, I got these two brand-name items from Salvation Army for more than 75% off what the original price would be. Both were in near perfect condition and conveniently my size! The Tommy Hilfiger dress is perfect for professional events or interviews. Thrift stores are a great place to look for business-casual wear because those are usually the most expensive pieces!

Another reason I shop second-hand is because I want to be conscious of my carbon footprint. It’s actually insane to think about how many clothes are out there in the world. You have to wonder – where do they go? Well, the truth is that they either sit in our closets, are donated, sold online, or end up in landfills/the oceans as textile waste. The fast-fashion industry has lead to a huge increase in waste. Fast-fashion is clothing collections that are based on the most recent fashion trends and are produced in bulk very quickly. These trends, as we know, don’t last forever. So, a lot of clothes go un-purchased and therefore unworn and disposed of. More than 15 million tons of textile waste is generated each year in the United States alone. This has doubled over the last 20 years! Which should be a huge wake up call for consumers. Simply recycling the clothes you have and donating those you don’t want has a bigger impact than you may think. Thrifting gives clothes a second life and extended opportunities to be worn.  

For more facts on textile waste and recycling your unwanted clothes check out this site: https://www.thebalancesmb.com/textile-recycling-facts-and-figures-2878122


Now, let’s get to the tips! There’s no real secret to thrift shopping, but there are certainly ways to make the most of your trip. From my experience, here are a few things to consider:

  • Go in with an open mind – Since this is a thrift store and not a boutique, they’re most likely not going to have the exact item you want. When you go shopping, its always a good idea to have some items that you need in mind, so you don’t go too crazy with spending. But keep an open mind because thrift shops always have unique finds. Shopping at a store with no trend or specific clothing line means there is a wide variety to choose from. You can have fun making fashion statements that you may not have thought of before!
  • Shop by specialty promos – The clothes in my story were purchased from the Salvation Army. This thrift store puts out a monthly calendar that lays out the deals of the day. All items in the store are categorized by colored tags and that is how they’ll separate the sales. On the day I went shopping, for example, all blue tags were 50% off! So, I focused on buying only items that had a blue tag because they’re already at an affordable price, but the sale makes it a deal you cannot pass up! Shopping by what’s on sale is a way to guarantee you’re getting the best deal.
  • Purchase staple pieces – Buy things that you can layer and add to multiple outfits! If you’re thrifting to save money, you want to buy universal pieces that match many outfits to get the most bang for you buck. My favorite staples are jean skirts, military jackets, and flannels. These are all simple to style but can add something special to your look!

Now that you know how to get the most out of your thrifting experience, I’ll share some of the best places in our area to do it! I already mentioned Salvation Army, but there’s also the traditional Goodwill and St. Vincent De Paul. These are very common thrift stores and conveniently, Latrobe has all three! Plato’s Closet is another option to buy used brand-name items and there is one located in Greensburg! Thrifting has become pretty popular recently, so Pittsburgh has been keeping up with the trend and has some independently run second-hand shops as well. If you’re willing to make the drive, here are some unique options to get thrifty:

  • Buffalo Exchange
  • Thriftique
  • Clothes Minded
  • East End Community Thrift
  • Common Thread

You can also shop second-hand online! There are websites and apps where you can buy clothes, shoes, and accessories for a discounted price! It’s like thrift shopping from home. Here are a few options:

  • Poshmark
  • Thred-UP
  • Swap.com
  • Ebay

See, thrifting is pretty awesome! Being cost and environmentally conscious is important as young adults. We control our future, so making wise decisions about how we spend our money will only help us out later and keep us balanced. A simple lifestyle change like buying your clothes second-hand will have your wallet and the planet thanking you!

