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photo of corn field
Aaron Burden/Unsplash

Reasons I am Grateful this Thanksgiving Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Vincent chapter.

Gratitude is an important thing to possess while going through life. Saying a simple “I get to” instead of “I have to” can change our whole experience of everyday commitments. Although we should be thankful no matter the season, Thanksgiving could not be a better time to start.


Here are some reasons I am thankful this season:


1. Family

I couldn’t be more blessed with the family members I have, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without them. Seeing everyone together around the holidays is definitely something to be thankful for.


2. Friends

My life would be so boring without my friends. I can’t thank them enough for all the joy they’ve brought into my life.


3. Having a roof over my head

Having a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, heat, and clean water is something I tend to take for granted. But these things are something people in other countries would be extremely thankful for and that’s something to think about.


4. Food

My favorite thanksgiving food is the stuffing. But bring on the turkey, casseroles, potatoes, rolls, I’m ready!


5. Leftovers

There is nothing better than opening the fridge the day after and just as full as you did on Thanksgiving.


6. Football

Football is always fun to watch, especially around Thanksgiving with your whole fam.


7. Pie

Pumpkin pie, apple pie, cherry pie….you name the pie, I’m thankful for it.


8. Hot drinks

When it’s cold outside, I am so glad I can cuddle up with a hot cocoa, hot tea, or coffee and warm myself up.


9. Naps

There is no better nap other than the one you take right after stuffing your face with a ton of Thanksgiving Day food. Talk about a food coma.


10. Black Friday

Shopping amazing sales the day after Thanksgiving is a great way to top off the holiday. Just try to remember what the holiday season is really all about before you get in a fist fight with a middle-aged woman over a cute purse. Happy shopping!




Saint Vincent College 2020 // Accounting Major x Forensic Studies Minor  Hi there! I'm so glad you made it to my page! My name is Becca - I am apart of the writing and marketing team for Her Campus' Saint Vincent chapter. I love food, german shepherds and finding new places in nature to do yoga. I hope to travel from country to country someday and continue to empower women after graduating. "Always be kinder than you feel" Follow my insta - @beccaamaione to keep in touch!