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Jimmy Farnan: Homecoming Candidate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Vincent chapter.

Name: Jimmy Farnan

Major: Engineering Science (minors in math and biotechnology)

Class: Senior

Hometown: New Paris, PA

Relationship Status: Who wants to know, is someone interested? ;) (Single)

Sports & Activities: Men’s Cross Country and Track (steeplechase)


Her Campus (HC): Hi Jimmy! We’re happy to get to know you this week!

Jimmy Farnan (JF): Okay, I’m ready.


HC: What brought you to Saint Vincent College? 

JF: Good STEM programs and the XC team


HC: What are some of your hobbies? 

JF: I like to be outdoors, so hiking, backpacking, camping

HC: Do you have a favorite study spot on campus? 

JF: The stacks in the library. Keeps me focused.


HC: So you’re on the Saint Vincent cross country team! What is your favorite part about it?

JF: It gives me an opportunity to focus on something other than school. I like that the goal is constant improvement, and the team is a great group of guys.


HC: What is your favorite song to listen to while running? 

JF: I don’t actually listen to music when I run, I focus on my breath. My favorite band, though, is Of Monsters and Men, so if I did tune in, it would probably be them (”Sloom” being my favorite song.)


HC: Do you have any pets? 

JF:Yes, 4 peacocks, 4 dogs, 1 parrot, and 2 guinea hens (sort of like African chickens)


HC: Do you have any siblings? 

JF: Yep, I have an older sister, Marianne.


HC: What is an ideal spot for a first date?

JF:  I like to spend as much of my free time outside, and I would want to be with a girl who does as well. I’d probably go for a hike, and find a good place to eat afterwards.


HC: What is your favorite part of being a prefect on campus? 

JF: I like getting to know my guys and when I know that I was able to help them work through an issue.

HC: What are your future career goals? 

JF: I want to be an environmental engineer, working in the remediation field (pollution cleanup and ecosystem restoration)


HC: Where do you see yourself in ten years? 

JF: I’ve hopefully finished graduate school and found a job where I’m solving critical environmental problems. Other than that, I’m not really planning on anything else… Traveling is definitely an option. I’ve thought about WWOOFing a lot (it’s where you volunteer your work on an organic farm, and in return they give you room and a place to stay. It stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms.)


HC:You’ve recently been nominated for Homecoming King!  Are you excited? 

JF: I’m definitely excited, along with flattered and very surprised!


HC: Thank you Jimmy and good luck!

Juli Cehula

St Vincent '18

Hello there! I am the Campus Correspondent of the Her Campus chapter at Saint Vincent College. As a senior psychology major, I've made the most of my time in undergrad and am excited for all the doors I have opening ahead of me. I can definitely thank Her Campus for giving me invaluable skills. As a future psychologist, I hope that my articles (and the chapter's) are able to make you feel empowered, motivate you to start a conversation, and be kind. As a hero of mine has said, "If you do not take control over your time and your life, other people will gobble it up. If you don't prioritize yourself, you constantly start falling lower and lower on your list."- Michelle Obama. Be the change you want to see in the world, and smile. Always smile!