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How to Enjoy College While Prepping for Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Vincent chapter.

As the weather turns from cold and cloudy to warm and sunny, students find it harder to stay focused on school work. After all, it seems like there are so many things going on, you realize that you only have a few weeks left with friends before summer, and quite frankly you want to do anything but school work. Despite the fact that you really do not want to participate in school and you just want to ‘play’ outside all day, the reality is, you have to do your work. Finals are coming up and each professor is cramming every last bit of information, exams, projects, and papers into your class. Here is how you can enjoy college (and the warm weather) while prepping for the dreaded finals week.

1. Get Outside.

As we all know, our campus is beautiful when it’s sunny out! Take some time out of your day to get outside; whether that be to play a few games on the lawn or to simply just go for a walk around campus or even Winnie Palmer. It doesn’t have to last long and you’ll be surprised how great you’ll feel after soaking up some sun.

2. Take a few S.T.U.D.Y. breaks with friends.

No one can stare at a book forever. So, try breaking up your studying into a few hours at a time so you can still get some A’s without going insane! Trust me, you know more than you think you do.

3. Treat yourself to a nice meal out with friends.

It’s always nice to treat yo’ self and have a last hurrah with friends before it’s time to close the doors to another year. So pick a fancy restaurant of your choosing, get dressed up, and enjoy the night!

4. Take a mental break by watching at least 1 episode of Netflix every so many hours.

I know we can all relate when I say that Netflix holds a special spot in our hearts. Let’s not neglect this very important aspect of our day and punish ourselves even further. Caution: I only suggest doing this at night after a long day of having your nose in the books, because it’s so easy to get on a Netflix binge; am I right?

5. Get moving!

Exercise helps clear your brain so much from all the stresses that professors continually pile on us. Try to get at least 30 minutes daily so that it will leave you feeling energized and ready to take on studying.

6. Sleep.

Trust me when I say that I know sleep is hard to come by. But, also trust me when I say that looking and feeling like a zombie does nothing but kill positivity and most importantly kill your grades. Did you know that when we lack sleep, our brains work to the equivalency of us being drunk? Make sure to catch some z’s as much as you can so that you can focus and retain all the information you’ve been cramming into your brain. Lord knows, if you can’t remember last night while you’re drunk…you certainly won’t retain Statistics. Don’t push your luck. Get some sleep instead!

Lisa Mason is currently a Junior Marketing major with a minor in Management. She is a member of Activities Programming Board, Women in Business, Singers, and works as an Admissions Ambassador at Saint Vincent College. Since she has a passion for meeting and helping others; she hopes to use her field of Marketing to become a professor as well as become a Marketing Manager of a firm someday in a major city. You can find her enjoying time with her friends, drinking salted caramel cappuccinos, or blogging. Also, it wouldn't be the craziest thing in the world to say that she is a Netflix, caffeine, and retail therapy enthusiast. Follow her on Instagram: masonjar_17 and check out her blog at http://youngandtwenty.blogspot.com/.
Kaura Bassegio is a Saint Vincent College Alumna with a degree in marketing. As founder and former President of the St. Vincent chapter, Kaura worked on pitching ideas, editing, and leading a large team of women. Throughout her years at Saint Vincent, Kaura worked in the retail industry where she received her internship at American Eagle Outfitters. Now that she is a college graduate, Kaura will be focused on family, friends, and most importantly, finding a job! She is interested in fashion and her dream is to live and work in New York City. Follow her on Instagram: kauralbassegio