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Halloween Costumes 2k16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Vincent chapter.

Halloween. Everyone’s favorite time to dress up and party. And occasionally, watch scary movies and eat as much candy as possible. Halloween 2K16 had some of the best costumes. Of course you had your plethora of the same. I swear everyone was either The Joker and Harley Quinn, Danny and Sandy from Grease, Squints and Wendy Peffercorn from The Sandlot, Deer, or people from The Purge. Of course there was your usual cats, mice, school girls, etc., but some people really stepped outside of the mainstream box.  Here is a list of my favorite unique Halloween costumes of 2016.

Bette Midler as Winnifred from Hocus Pocus   

Hocus Pocus is one of the best Halloween movies of all time. (And not just in my opinion.) Bette Midler plays head with Winnifred who, with the help of her two wacky sisters, plan to suck all of the souls of children in order to be young again. Bette channeled her well-loved character this Halloween and made everyone feel nostalgic. 

A Dog as David Bowie’s character Jareth from Labyrinth

Dogs in Halloween costumes is one of the greatest Halloween traditions ever. It’s cuteness overload! This cutie pie honored David Bowie in his great role as Jareth in Jim Henson’s Labyrinth. From the hair, to the eye make-up, and the frilly collar, this dog did Bowie well. 


Eleven from Stranger Things

Stranger Things is a popular Netflix Original show about a group of friends searching for their missing friend. Eleven is the mysterious young female character who appears with no idea of where or who she is. Did I mention she has magic powers? To hide her from the bad guys, the boys disguise Eleven in a pink dress, blue jacket, white shoes, yellow and green striped tube socks and a blonde wig. The best part about Eleven is her love for Eggo waffles. The very few people that dressed as Eleven nailed the costume to the T. (Waffles included) 


Snapchat Filters 


What’s a good snapchat without a filter to hide your ugliness? (Yes I am a victim of this) The most popular filters are probably the flower crown and gold sparkle butterflies. Many girls went to Pinterest with their DIY ideas to create the flower crown or butterfly headpiece. Some girls even did their make-up to match the filter. This is definitely an easy and super cute Halloween costume.


Nudist on Strike

Probably the easiest and one of the funniest costumes I’ve seen this year. Perfect costume for those last minute party goers or super lazy people. Wear your everyday clothes and just make a sign and BAM! Costume complete. I’m still laughing from seeing this costume.

That’s only a few of the unique Halloween costumes I’ve seen this year. Shout out to Pinterest for giving us costume ideas for a few years now. Happy Halloween! 

Juli Cehula

St Vincent '18

Hello there! I am the Campus Correspondent of the Her Campus chapter at Saint Vincent College. As a senior psychology major, I've made the most of my time in undergrad and am excited for all the doors I have opening ahead of me. I can definitely thank Her Campus for giving me invaluable skills. As a future psychologist, I hope that my articles (and the chapter's) are able to make you feel empowered, motivate you to start a conversation, and be kind. As a hero of mine has said, "If you do not take control over your time and your life, other people will gobble it up. If you don't prioritize yourself, you constantly start falling lower and lower on your list."- Michelle Obama. Be the change you want to see in the world, and smile. Always smile!