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30 Pop Culture Valentine’s Day Cards

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Vincent chapter.

It is that time of the year again where the Valentine’s Day cards start swarming the Internet. These e-cards are full of hilarious puns that relate to the pop-culture world. We hope that you would NEVER seriously send one of these cards to someone. Nevertheless, they give mostly everyone a nice laugh. We have found some of our favorite and more appropriate cards from Justin Timberlake to Patrick Starr. Here are 30 Valentine’s Day cards that you should not send to someone if you are trying to be serious. 

Kaura Bassegio is a Saint Vincent College Alumna with a degree in marketing. As founder and former President of the St. Vincent chapter, Kaura worked on pitching ideas, editing, and leading a large team of women. Throughout her years at Saint Vincent, Kaura worked in the retail industry where she received her internship at American Eagle Outfitters. Now that she is a college graduate, Kaura will be focused on family, friends, and most importantly, finding a job! She is interested in fashion and her dream is to live and work in New York City. Follow her on Instagram: kauralbassegio