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What to Do if You’re Stuck a Home for Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Unfortunately, not all of us can travel to California, Florida, Hawaii, Aruba, etc. etc. etc. this spring break, or even next spring break.  Traveling can be a hassle – from planning, to packing, to SPENDING. Sometimes a week at home is more enticing than a week on the beach.  Sometimes. So whether you’re begrudgingly or voluntarily heading home for spring break, here are a few ways to make your time great!

1.  Spend quality time with your family

Of course, a whole week with your parents breathing down your neck can be a little much, but try your best to enjoy the family time during spring break.  Initiate family dinners, game nights, or movie nights.  If you’re feeling extra ambitious, help out with the spring cleaning or lend a hand in the kitchen.  Take advantage of the time in your life when it’s still acceptable to lie around at home for a week and eat your parent’s home cooking.  You’ll miss it once you’re out in the real world. 

2.  Read a book for fun

Maybe this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.  If it’s not, insert “watch a Netflix series” instead.  Regardless, spring break gives you a full week of designated relaxing time.  Wake up at 11 a.m. on a Wednesday, read a book on the couch for four hours without having to worry about the next thing on your schedule, wear your pajamas all day – the list goes on and on.  Regardless, your mind would appreciate reading a light fiction novel instead of your Biology textbook.  

3.  Apply for summer jobs or internships

Spring break is the perfect time to look for summer employment, especially if you’re planning on being at home this summer.  Look around in newspaper ads, talk to your previous employers, and just keep an open mind.  You never know where something might pop up if you’re willing to look for it! 

4.  Catch up with old friends 

Some of your friends may still be in high school, they may be at a nearby college, or they might be on spring break too. Just because you’ve made new friends at college doesn’t mean your old friendships aren’t valuable anymore.  Run to get coffee, make a lunch date, or hang out with a group of your hometown friends.  Reminiscing over lattes is never a bad thing.

5.  Try out new crafts or recipes 

If you’re a Pinterest addict, you clearly have hundreds of pins on delicious recipes and clever craft ideas.  Now would be a great time to try these out: D.I.Y. Spring Break Style! You could also take the time to organize your room and closet in a fresh way to get ready for summer.

6.  Enjoy the spring weather

Go on nature walks, take a jog around town, or start taking pictures of the beautiful spring season.  Nothing is better than fresh air, especially after the brutal winter we had.  So make an effort to spend some time outdoors now that you have the time!

I hope everyone has a fabulous Spring Break, whether you’re going on a trip or going home! When in doubt, remember relaxation and boredom can be good for you.

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