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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

It’s that time of year to count your blessings. I think Thanksgiving and the holiday season are an important time for everyone to acknowledge their privilege, especially in light of the recent regional, national and international turmoil. A great way to channel your feelings (especially the abstract and oft-forgotten ones like gratitude) is journaling. In college, rarely do we write for ourselves. We are always writing for an audience, as I am right this minute. In my opinion, we all owe ourselves a creative outlet like writing, especially on your own terms. If you don’t know where to start, try a gratitude journal. Pick an amount of time to write (5, 10, 15 minutes a day), pick a prompt to write about each time, and let your uninhibited words flow. Thanksgiving is the perfect time to put what you’re thankful for on paper. Here are a few prompts you could start with.

Today, I smiled when…

Today, I am grateful for…

Today, I am inspired by…

Today, I am aware that…

Today, I stand for…

Today, I am feeling…

Today, I am motivated by…

Today, I aspire to…  

Also, notice that each prompt started with “today.” This helps you live in the moment and be mindful of what happens each day. You could also call this new endeavor mindfulness journaling! Experiment with your writing process while you have time over break (maybe), and see what great things a little gratitude and introspection can do for your daily life. Happy Thanksgiving!

Images: Photo 1, 2, 3