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StO-Style: Meet a Fashionable Ole

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

There is no doubt about it: we Oles are a very fashionable bunch. Despite the stereotype of being a campus dominated by North Face gear and Birkenstocks, I am continually impressed by the creative, original, and risky outfits students don during the school week. As I’m walking to class in the morning, I always enjoy checking out the different outfits students put together. Our community of snazzy dressers inspires me to take risks and dress my best for even normal class days.
For this week’s post I decided to interview a fellow fashionable Ole about what inspires her style. I chose first-year Ola Faleti for a few reasons: her quirky and original sense of style stands out in a good way, and I could tell her cool threads were the result of a keen eye for thrifting (one of my new favorite pastimes). Ola is in my French class, and between conjugating verbs I would always admire her fearless outfits. I could clearly see that she had a very strong sense of style, which is why I thought she would be a perfect candidate for this article. Read on for her thoughts on style and fashion!
Style Profile: Ola Faleti


School Year: First-Year
Age: 19
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Major(s): French and English
How would you describe your sense of style? “I never know how to answer this. People have told me that I dress like I just walked out of “A Different World,” the 1980s spin-off of the Cosby show. I’d say my style is eclectic, vintage-y and kind of thrown together. I love pullovers. I love cardigans. I love tights. I love floral print.”
Where do you get your style inspiration from? “My first style inspiration was this girl two grades above me in high schooI. Her style was wild and she had these MASSIVE purple prescription glasses. I also had a big fashion blog phase in high school. I still like fashion blogs…but mostly, if I see someone in real life who looks boss, I’ll be inspired.”

Where do you like to shop? “Probably 70% of my wardrobe comes from thrift stores. Even when I’m actually not broke, it’s hard for me to justify buying a $25 sweater I can just thrift for $3. I miss big-city thrifting — if you’re ever in Chicago, you should stop by the Village Discount Outlet in Bucktown. It’s quality.”

What are your favorite trends right now? “I’m bad at knowing trends…so I have no idea what’s trendy right now…are sheer blouses trendy? I feel like they are. Ok, I really like those!”

What is your favorite item in your closet and why? “My favorite item in my closet would have to be my big, yellow cardigan. If you’ve seen me around campus before, you’ve probably seen me in it. I really do love sweaters, and I’ll be sad when it’s too warm to wear them.”

If you could raid anyone’s closet, who would it be and why? “There’s this chick on tumblr  (who actually attends Columbia College in Chicago) and she shops at Village Discount, too, and has rainbow colored hair and the best everything, basically. I wish I could meet her.”
What is one item you think is a fashion essential, that every girl should have in her closet? “A good pair of black tights is key. Or, if you live in an arctic zone such as Minnesota, black sweater tights!”

What advice would you give to fellow Oles looking to develop their style? “Advice? Be yourself. People may make disparaging comments — I’ve certainly had my fair share — but f– it, haters gon’ hate. Half of style is confidence. If you feel good in what you’re wearing, it shows. If you feel uncomfortable, or like you’re not being true to yourself, well, that shows too.”
Thanks so much Ola!

Know anyone who should be featured as a fashionable Ole? Leave a comment below to nominate them!
Keep on doing your thing and stay fashionable, St. Olaf!

 Katie is a recent graduate (and proud alum - UM YA YA!) of St. Olaf College, a small liberal arts college in Minnesota. A true Minnesota girl through and through, Katie was formerly a fashion blogger and Campus Correspondent for Her Campus St. Olaf College before becoming a contributing writer for the national site. She currently works as a marketing assistant and is interested in further pursuing a career in marketing, PR, journalism, editing...(she has no idea, if you can't tell). Katie is passionate about traveling and wants to stamp up her passport as much as possible. Katie enjoys social media, blogs, Speculoos cookie butter, dressing for success, fashion magazines and extensively quoting pop culture in social situations (especially 30 Rock). Her one party trick is knowing all the words to "Freaks and Geeks" by Childish Gambino.   
Founder and executive editor of the St. Olaf chapter of Her Campus, Lucy Casale is a senior English major with women's studies and media studies concentrations at St. Olaf College. A current editorial intern at MSP Communications in Minneapolis, MN, Lucy has interned at WCCO-TV/CBS Minnesota, Marie Claire magazine, and two newspapers. Visit her digital portfolio: lucysdigitalportfolio.weebly.com