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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

And it’s upon us – finals week: the time of year when our already stressed-out campus goes completely bonkers. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though! Just one week from now, we will be on summer break. Whatever your summer plans are, I hope you have a chance to spend some time relaxing and give your brain a bit of a break. I also hope you have the opportunity to engage in some summer romance.

Chances are you fall into one of three categories: (1) you are dating someone from campus and may or may not be able to spend a lot of time with them over the summer, (2) you have a significant other at home that you *finally* get to see, or (3) you are incredibly single. (I happen to fall into this last category.)

Regardless of your relationship status, there is a good chance that summer romance is in your future.
I’m not sure what exactly it is about summer – maybe the short-shorts, or warm weather, or lack of stress –but romances just tend to blossom over these three short months. If you are in a relationship, it is a chance to spend time with your honey-bunny without the stress that you both have to cope with during the school year. The reduced-stress environment allows for the chance to get really close to your love; you get to learn about each other in a new light and can become that much closer because of it.

If you are forced to be away from your sweetheart over the summer, just remember that there is some good that can come from your heartache. When you are around your boyfriend/girlfriend all school year, it can be hard to know whether your relationship will withstand the test that a stressor like distance can put on it. Being apart for the summer can help your relationship to grow as you both have the chance to reflect on each other and your relationship. You know the saying, “distance makes the heart grow fonder”: It’s a statement that is as true as your love is for each other.

And all you singles out there: Hope isn’t lost! Summer is the best time to forge new bonds with co-workers or reform friendships and romances with old flings. It can be super fun to have the opportunity to hang out with someone new and have a little romance and sexiness to fill your summer. It is important to remember, however, that summer lovin’ isn’t always meant to last. It can be hard to sustain a relationship built on the sunlight and sweetness of summer once the stress of school returns come fall.

I have really enjoyed having the chance to write for you all this year! This blog would not be anything if it wasn’t for all of my awesome readers giving me support and feedback, as well as ideas and the strength to go forward and continue pushing myself to be open and honest with myself and all of you. I wish all of you the best of summers and sincerely wish that you will be blessed by love and friendship in the months to come! See you in the Fall!

Stay sexy St. Olaf,

Bri attends St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota and is majoring in Psychology with concentrations in Media Studies and Women's Studies. She is most passionate about writing, traveling, cooking, hand-written letters and cheering on the Minnesota Vikings and Wisconsin Badgers. In her free time, she enjoys running, photography, attempting to blog and spending time with her amazing family and friends. She is currently an Arts & Entertainment Editor for the St. Olaf College newspaper with the lovely Lucy Casale and aspires to further explore the field of journalism after graduation.