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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Hello beautiful readers!

Welcome to the new Her Campus St. Olaf sex blog, “Mmm Ya Ya: Sex at St. Olaf!” I am super excited to have the opportunity to contribute weekly to Her Campus St. Olaf and talk about one of the more prevalent and exciting issues in the lives of college students: sex.

Sex is intriguing. Sex is a secret, a story, a lesson. It can be romantic, rough or risqué. It can even sometimes be comical. Sex is mainstream. In today’s culture, we are bombarded with sexual images, innuendos and marketing schemes. And yet, despite all of its celebrity status, sex maintains a sense of taboo, danger, even mystery. We are drawn to it from the time we hit puberty, when it is still a great unknown, a big question mark in our lives. Even as we grow older, sex is still shrouded in a certain amount of mystery. Who is doing it? What is normal? Am I normal?

More so than other places, sex at St. Olaf often seems to carry a stigma, as do those doing it. People generally don’t talk about sex here, which makes it seem even more taboo and almost disgraceful. In my personal experience, I have often been afraid to be open and honest about my sex life because of concerns about being judged, even by my close friends. This is wrong! No person should ever be made to felt as though they are worth less than others, or are somehow dirty or unclean, because of sex. Sex is beautiful and powerful, it feels good, it relieves stress, and it is a manifestation of healthy love and passion. There is no shame in that!

In this blog, I hope to have an open dialogue and conversation to try and unwrap some of the mysteries and banish the stigma surrounding sex at St. Olaf. I hope I can make you laugh, teach you something new, be relatable, and most of all, make you comfortable with yourself, your body and your sexuality. Because, ladies, we hold the power of sex within ourselves. Sex is a woman’s prerogative. I personally believe that when it comes to sex, women hold all of the cards. We should never compromise ourselves or our own beliefs or standards by having sex; rather, sex should be something that we do because we love it, because we want to, and because, damn, it feels good. It should never be because we feel we need to in order to make someone else happy or because we are worried that he won’t ever call us back if we don’t. We have every right to say no, and we also have every right to say yes, yes, YES!!

Sex should be an experience which we should celebrate, not one we should be embarrassed about. I’m not saying you should run into the library and yell out to everyone that you love sex, but hey, being more open about it can only help to lessen the mystery and stigma. It is my most sincere hope that I am able to make the women of St. Olaf feel empowered about their sexuality, and, as such, your feedback means the world to me. Please feel free to send me any questions you have about me or my material, any ideas for a blog entry, or just any comments you may have. You can submit questions and comments anonymously by clicking “Add New Comment” below.

Stay sexy St. Olaf,

Bri attends St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota and is majoring in Psychology with concentrations in Media Studies and Women's Studies. She is most passionate about writing, traveling, cooking, hand-written letters and cheering on the Minnesota Vikings and Wisconsin Badgers. In her free time, she enjoys running, photography, attempting to blog and spending time with her amazing family and friends. She is currently an Arts & Entertainment Editor for the St. Olaf College newspaper with the lovely Lucy Casale and aspires to further explore the field of journalism after graduation.