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Mmm Ya Ya: The Perks of being Single

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.


While I love my girls out there who have already been able to snag themselves a man, my post this week is for all my single ladies (thank you, Beyonce). As a single girl myself, lately I have been bumming pretty hardcore about not having a guy in my life; it seems like every time I go on Facebook, someone else is in a relationship or is engaged! (BTW, Congrats to all involved! Love you crazy kids.) But with every engagement notice, I become more and more certain that my future involves several dogs and a small hut in the middle of the woods. That’s right, I’m going to be a crazy dog lady. Or that is how I have been feeling, anyway.

In reality, I will in all likelihood meet a great guy somewhere down the road – just because I haven’t met him yet doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist. It is easy to panic about leaving college without having a steady boyfriend or fiancé. I mean, how does one meet a guy when you aren’t subjected to suffering through Intro to Calculus together? But I think we (in this lovely little bubble known as “college”) tend to forget how big the real world is, how many opportunities we will have and how many people we will meet (through work, volunteering, at the bar, at the gym, through church, etc.). Of all of the things we have to worry about right now (finals! papers! Christmas presents! WHETHER TOBY IS REALLY “A” ON PRETTY LITTLE LIARS!) finding a boyfriend really should not be that high on the list. Instead, here are a few reasons to enjoy the single life:

  1. You can watch whatever movie YOU want. No one has to know that you watched Drew Barrymore’s entire discography in one weekend. You don’t have to explain why The Wedding Singer is simply the greatest movie of all time.
  2. Being single means saving a lot of money. Think of all of the Christmas presents, birthday presents and Valentine’s Day presents that you AREN’T buying! Now take the money you would be spending on that stuff and go by yourself a nice bottle of wine.
  3. It is perfectly acceptable to go several weeks without shaving your legs.
  4. You can go out with your girlfriends (or guy friends… any friends, really) without having to answer to anyone. There is no “I’ve told you before, Cory and I are JUST FRIENDS” conversation, and you don’t have to worry about how you should split your time between your friends and your significant other.
  5. You do not have to feel guilty about admiring other guys’ physiques. Whether it’s that guy at the gym with the bangin’ bod (mysterious blond man, I’m looking at you) or Ryan Gosling a la Crazy, Stupid, Love, you can ogle to your heart’s desire.

Being single can be lonely, but it can also be really great. I hope that these perks help you to appreciate your “in the meantime” time to its fullest extent!

Stay sexy, St. Olaf singles,
