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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Just imagine, one week from now, finals will be done. You will be home relaxing next to the fireplace with a mug of hot cocoa while listening to the Micheal Bublé Christmas album, and your only worry will be whether you will be able to both watch “Miracle on 34th Street” and bake cookies with your grandmother…. HA! Right. Back to reality.

I don’t know about everyone else, but for me, break isn’t ever nearly as relaxing as I expect it to be. There are presents to buy and wrap, Christmas trees to decorate, high school friends to see, family to visit, and all kinds of cookies and other treats to be baked (not to mention the time required at the gym to burn off said cookies)… It all really can add up until your break really isn’t a break at all. So this season, why not consider doing a little something extra for yourself (and perhaps your partner, if you have one)?

One way to get yourself in the holiday state-of-mind is to acquire some festive “attire.” Get some panties that say “On the Naughty List” or “Santa Baby” in sequins. Even just a cute new red thong will do to bring out your holiday spirit just a bit more. Are holiday panties silly? Yes. Will you wear them more than once a year? Probably not. But let’s be honest, you look cute. Alternatively, you could try out one of these holiday get-ups. No one could say you didn’t go all-out to bring Christmas cheer.

Another splurge you should consider this holiday season is investing in a new sex toy. While I could (and probably will) write an entire post about the benefit of a good vibrator, suffice to say this: a proper sex toy will be the gift that keeps on giving. From the standard vibrator/dildo to couple-friendly toys like the vibrating ring, there are plenty of options out there to choose from! And then there is always this, which, of course, actually exists. Thank you, internet. Whether you get something to enjoy by yourself or a toy that you can use with your partner, my guess is that you will be begging to be left “Home Alone” this holiday season (bad holiday pun) (sorry not sorry).

To keep your sanity this holiday season, remember to take a little time for you. It can be hard in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, but seriously, has there ever been a better way of relieving stress and getting in a good mood than getting off? I didn’t think so.

On a slightly more somber note, this will be the last Mmm Ya Ya post until February, as this lady will be off on Interim adventures. Let me leave off by wishing all of you, my wonderful readers, the merriest of holiday seasons and the happiest of New Years!  

Stay sexy (and warm), St. Olaf,


*Images courtesy of Victoria’s Secret [www.victoriassecret.com]