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Mm Ya Ya: Thinking Outside the Box(Spring) – 5 Reasons to Take Sex Beyond the Bed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

When some people talk about sex, they refer to it as being in between the sheets, but I say why not in between the periodicals?  We spend so much time learning how to think creatively, so let’s apply our education outside of the classroom (or inside of it if you prefer). Here are my top five reasons for taking sex outside of the bed.

1. College-issued beds: Boxy, ladder like sides held together with only pegs, a bed frame, and good faith. Every college student knows what I am talking about: the standard issue dorm beds. However awesome and versatile these beds may be, there are not many people who can say that they trust them 100%. Plus, have you ever tried anything in a lofted bed? One wrong move could be deadly! Our twin-size beds are certainly cozy, but hardly the best option.

2. Something New: Beds are so last year. Ok, I am just kidding, I love my bed more than anything, but there are so many more exciting places for intamcy in the world. It is easy to start falling into routine when it comes to sex, because chances are that you have figured out how to get down in the dorm room bed and have stuck with it that route. Too predictable! Shaking things up is exciting, fun, and such a turn on. Think of the endless possibilities for you to try something new, once you make the move.

3. Ability to Try New Positions: In a bed, couples are somewhat limited. However, there is whole other repertoire available to you. Since there are so many places around campus, new positions are endless. Go to the shower, a closet, the library, the natural lands, study rooms, or even the staircase next to the facilities building. Campus has many hidden places. Placing yourself you against the wall or on the desk offers a deeper and stronger experience. The upward tilt on the stairs is great for trying out a reverse position that allows complete access to the G-Spot. The options go on and on.

4. No Roommate: What is better than not having to worry about a roommate walking in or having them feeling sexiled? You now have the ultimate freedom on time, place, and planning, if you choose. 

5.Thrill: One of the most exciting parts of adventuring outside of the bedroom is the thrill and the risk of getting caught! This possibility is exhilarating and is very daring, which increases the intensity so much. However, here is my caveat: make sure to wear something that facilitates ease! Skirts, dresses, or even sweat pants are a great plan; Imagine fumbling with buttons on a pair of jeans in the heat of the moment… Not ideal.

Be discreet. Have Fun.

Until next time xxx
