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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.


Congratulations! You have made it to the end of the year. The summer is vast, open, and full of opportunities. The weather is getting warmer, and we are getting more relaxed, as do our attitudes towards sex. The notion of summer flings has long been played out in T.V. and film. The carefree, low-pressure approach is a great way to explore your boundaries and have fun. Here are some things to consider when embarking on your summer escapades.

Remember to be Rational

It is easy to get caught up in the whimsical airiness that is a summer flings, but it is important to be rational about the relationship. Keep the end of the summer in mind and try to separate your emotions from the fun. Getting too attached could end up hurting you both.

Go All Out

On the other hand, don’t hold back! Have fun and enjoy the opportunity to form a great relationship and, potentially, a future friendship. It is great to have a partner in crime for all those fun summer activities.

Be Safe


A generally the golden rule for the sexually active: use protection! STIs and unexpected pregnancies are at their highest rate of occurrence at our age, so it is important to protect us. That way, we don’t bring anything back with us at the end of summer.

Be Wary of Water Sex

Although sex underwater sounds super sexy and cool, it actually can be more harmful than fun. Water actually washes away natural lubrication and can make sex quite painful and decrease the reliability of condoms. Furthermore, contracting a yeast infection is very likely when you have sex in the water.

Embrace the Heat

Instead of turning up the A/C, embrace the heat of summer. It makes sex so much more, well, steamier. Plus, it gives both of you a reason to indulge in a shower together afterwards.

Have Fun

If it isn’t making you happy, then it may not be worth your time. Summer should be about letting loose a little and enjoying time away from school. The most important thing about any relationship is that you are comfortable and know your limits. If that ever stops being true, it may be time to move on!

Cover, Summer Romance, Summer’s End, Swings, Condoms, Notebook, Ice Cream, Fun