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Meet Jeremy Bird ’19!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Name: Jeremy Bird

Year of Graduation: 2019

Major/Concentration: Environmental science

Relationship Status: Single

Favorite Movie: Django Unchained

Favorite Part About Fall: The colors!

Hobbies: Piano (music in general), tennis, being in nature (hiking, fishing, camping).

Favorite Place to Study: Hillboe lounge and Thomson 3rd floor.

If you were to be stranded on a desert island with a celebrity, which celebrity would you want to be stranded with and why? Tom Hanks because he has done it before.

Favorite Food: A good burger (although I’m very healthy so I don’t have them a lot).

Favorite Animal? Cat! Our family owns two so it’s kind of a given.

Favorite Pick-Up Line: You know what this shirt is made of? *Girl checks shirt* Dating material. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Call or text? Although I prefer texting, calling is definitely more appropriate at times.

Favorite class you’ve taken at St. Olaf? I’m a freshman so I haven’t taken a lot yet, but I really like Intro to Film Studies. 

Describe yourself in one word: Nice.

What is your ideal date? I don’t know, I don’t envision anything in particular.

Finish this sentence: A guy looks his best when… He’s being real and honest.

Finish this sentence: A girl looks her best when…. She is happy, but still down to earth.