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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Meet Brian Jing, Class of 2016!

1. What is your Major? Chemisty

2. Where are you living this year? Ytterboe Hall

3. How are you involved on campus? I am the coordinator for Oles volunteering at Ruth’s house, a transitional shelter for women in Faribault. I am also the St. Olaf Men’s Hockey manager. In addition, as of two hours ago, I may try out for St. Olaf’s Track and Field team to be the Javelin thower. Strong emphasis on may.

4. What is the best thing you’ve learned during your time at Olaf? Ratemyprofessors.com

5. Favorite prof.? I really like Susan Smalling. I’ve only had one course with her during Interim but have never had a professor so passionate and personal like her. Take her if you can!

6. If you couldname one person at Olaf to be a future President of the US of A, who would it be and why? Andy “Moomba” Jordahl. He is the definition of discipline and grace.

7. Any Advice to younger students? A few things: 1) One of my biggest regrets was not going abroad for a semester (but I did take Environmental Psychology in the Rocky Mountains during my junior year Interim, it was one of the best months of my life). Go Abroad. Refer to Adam Alexander when making such a decision. 2) Don’t over analyze things too much. 3) Don’t fear the unknown.

8. What is your favorite place on campus? Kildahl circa 2012.

Photos provided by Brian Jing.