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Logan Sardzinski ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Name: Logan Sardzinski
Year: 2016
Relationship Status: Single and Ready to Mingle
Birthday: January 31st
Majors: Biology and Chemistry
Concentration: Biomedical Studies

What do you love about Ole women?
“What isn’t there to love? They’re cute, smart, levelheaded, and don’t wear sweats.”

“I love to sing, and I play piano. I like taking trips to the MoA (I’m a clothes horse). Some of my “manly” hobbies include: riding ATVs and dirt bikes, trap/target shooting, and collecting knives. I also enjoy snow skiing and consider myself a car enthusiast.”

Activities you are involved in?
“I try to be involved in music as much as possible at St. Olaf. Right now, I’m in the Viking Chorus and am taking private voice lessons. I’m also a member of the pre-med club and regularly attend GLOW! (Gay, Lesbian, or Whatever!) meetings.”

Call or text?
“Texting is fine for throwing around questions and such, but I hate when people use it for small talk. If you want to talk to me, you’d best ditch both options and have a face to face.”

What is the most romantic thing you have done for a girl?
“This is where stuff gets complicated… I don’t really do the whole “liking girls” thing. *GASP* Even so, girls tell me they love taking me to dances and other events because they know I don’t have expectations afterwards—I just like to have a good time! I did make one of my friends (that happened to be a girl) breakfast in bed once. Does that count?”

What is your favorite place to study?
“It honestly doesn’t get better than the fourth floor of Regents. It’s my favorite building on campus. The view overlooking Northfield as the leaves change color in autumn is really beautiful.”

Favorite food?
“At the moment, it is the Banana Chai smoothies they have in the Cage—those things are DELICIOUS. I’m also a fan of pistachio pudding.”

Favorite movie?
“I’m going to have to go with American Beauty, Downfall, or I Love You Phillip Morris.”

Any secret or hidden talents?
“I can do great Sean Connery and Christopher Walken impressions. I’m also able to sort through a thrift store or TJ Maxx clothes rack faster than anyone I know.”

Finish this sentence: A girl looks her best when…
“She isn’t trying too hard for attention.”

Describe yourself in one word.
“See: Quixotic”

Pet peeves?
“Dishonesty. Specifically, that feeling of knowing someone is lying to your face. People that act superficial and/or fake.”

What is your ideal date?
“A simple dinner date with a movie afterwards would suffice. I like to talk to people. I do suppose dinner would be a little more complicated for two guys—how do you decide which of you pays the bill?”

What he wants Ole women to know:
“My straight counterparts will probably appreciate this one: Guys don’t like it when you act shy or intimidated. There are many Ole guys who want to get to know you! A confident personality will get you a lot of places, but a shy one leads to missed opportunities and regrets.”

Best pick up line?
“Do people actually use these? If so, I don’t want to live on this planet anymore. Here’s a really terrible one: “Can I be your derivative? I’ll lay tangent to your curves.” OH THAT WAS SO CLEVER.”

If you were a superhero, what would your superhero name and power be?
“I don’t do superhero names, but I’d totally choose the power to teleport. Flying is overrated. Think of all of the places you could go over break! In one day you could spend a morning in Florida on the beach, do some shopping and get lunch in New York during the afternoon, then finish up the day with some authentic Italian food in Venice.”

I write the Campus Cutie blog for St. Olaf Her Campus!