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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Name: Lisa Hall

Year of graduation: 2016

Major/concentration: Nursing (and maybe Mathematics?)

Relationship status: Single

Favorite place to study: The cage, because people are always around to distract you from what you should actually be doing. So much more fun than studying!  

Favorite food: Anything that involves peanut butter.

Favorite movie: Any chick flick, She’s the ManMean Girls, 21 Jump Street, Monster’s University and, of course, Bridesmaids.  

Hobbies:  I love running, online shopping and eating banana Laffy Taffy.

What is your favorite part of being on the St. Olaf tennis team? I love being a part of a team that is always there for you no matter what. The competition of the matches is also fun.

If you could pick a superhero to be, which would you pick and why? I am not sure what superhero I would personally be, but I wouldn’t mind being Spiderman’s girl because who wouldn’t want to be Andrew Garfield’s girlfriend? 

If you could rename yourself, what would you pick as your new first name and why? Beyonce. The name speaks for itself.  

What is your least favorite color? Probably white. Such a sad color. 

Describe yourself in one word: Happy.

Call or text? Neither. Up close and personal does the job. Plus, I never answer my phone.

What is your ideal date? Centennial Lakes in Edina.  It is the cutest area, with so much fun stuff to do and it is an easy place to just walk and talk. 

Finish this sentence: A girl looks her best when… she is comfortable in her own skin.

Finish this sentence: A guy looks his best when… he can make me laugh.

What do you want the ladies of St. Olaf to know?  This is for everyone at Olaf: Do not take the chocolate chip cookie smell around campus for granted. No other school has such a delicious as an aroma ours.     


All pictures provided courtesy of Lisa’s Facebook page, with permission.

Maggie is a junior at St. Olaf, currently majoring in Spanish and Latin American Studies with a concentration in media studies.  She runs for the St. Olaf cross-country and track teams, writes for the school newspaper, and tries to do her homework in the downtime. Maggie enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, biking, skiing, and swimming.  She's excited to be a part of the Her Campus community!  Um Ya Ya!
Jessica is a senior at St. Olaf College majoring in English with concentrations in media studies and Middle Eastern studies. As one of the Campus Correspondents for Her Campus St. Olaf, she enjoys writing and editing news stories, and encouraging younger Oles to express their skills and talents through writing. She also is an editor for the school's student newspaper, The Manitou Messenger, and a writer for the college's marketing and communications office. In her (limited) free time, she enjoys eating pita and hummus from the Cage, curling up in a Buntrock window seat with a good book, and checking things off her senior bucket list.