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Humans of St. Olaf: Marlyne Hakizimana

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Year: 2018

Major: Physics and Mathematics

Favorite study spot:

Hmmm… That’s a hard one. It just depends on the day, mood, etc. A few of my favourite spots would be: the Science Library – right after my Regents classes. Or in Rolvaag library’s various floors, depending on your mood. 3rd floor is for a nice hangout with friends, 3.5 floor is for hiding from the world, or 5th floor is for “I have got a paper due tomorrow and I need some inspiration.”

Coffee or Tea? 

Of course coffee!! Coffee is LYFE! And some tea for those sick days (with lemon and honey).

Favorite drink to order at the Cage:

Small Caramel Latte with 2% milk plz. Yep! I memorize my order, you should do the same.

Favorite movie:

That’s another hard one. Well… If I had to choose one classic English movie, it would be The Proposal.  A good Korean one would be City Hunter and a good French one would be Amélie.

Favorite book:

Harry Potter!!!

If you were given a $20 Target gift card, what would you buy?

That’s a small budget! I would start by the clothing sale rack but then realize that I already own tons of clothes. I would then proceed to go to the arts and crafts section and buy something artsy for my wall. Finally, I would buy some grapes, chocolate or ice cream. Shopping isn’t an easy task when it comes to Target (inserts excited emoji).

Is there anything new that you still want to try while on the hill?

I am thinking on joining sustained dialogues or interfaith dialogue. A place where I get to discuss different kinds of topics that I will probably never encounter in my science classes. Zumba and/or Yoga are also on my list.

What is one thing you hope for after college?

I am hoping that all the knowledge I get from here helps me step into “the bigger world.” I believe that one just needs to have the right tools and, more importantly, Faith.

All photos were taken and uploaded with permission from Marlyne.