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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Last week, Adele released her third album, 25, and left the world covered in chills. I recently received the album as a birthday present (and proceeded to freak out), and here’s what you can expect to happen while listening to this long-awaited album:

1.) When the first piano chord plays you may immediately feel chills creep down your spine because you just know the next few minutes are going to be absolutely beautiful.


2.) You will find yourself tearing up and hurting over losing someone you don’t even know. The power and pain in Adele’s voice alone is enough to make your heart break along with hers.


3.) You realize Adele is only 27 and then you experience a new kind of sadness because you feel your talent can never live up to hers.


4.) But then you realize if you ever feel sad about your life, you can listen to Adele’s songs about her own pain and sadness and feel comforted that you have someone who you can suffer through heartbreaking problems with.


5.) You will start watching interviews to smile at her quirky personality and amazing accent, and also to try and find little hints that may be dropped about the making of another album.


6.) Because can you imagine if she made a Christmas album?


In the meantime, keep listening to 25, and keep experiencing these powerful moments again and again.

We love you, Adele. <3


Adele cover photo, adele 1, adele 2, adele 3, adele 4, adele 5 adele 6