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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

For my creative writing class last year, we had a prompt that asked us to write steps out for a common activity.  An activity that instantly came to mind was drinking coffee (college has truly changed me). So, I wrote out steps for how to use a coffee maker.

How to use a coffee maker (a writing prompt)

1.) Lift up the back lid and fill the reservoir with water.

2.) Lift up the front lid and place a paper coffee filter so it fits perfectly inside the circle.

3.) Scoop approximately 2.5 spoonfuls of coffee grounds and pour them inside the filter.

4.) Close both the front and back of lids.

5.) Press the blue flashing button and wait until you hear the machine heating up the water.

6.) Place your mug on the designated spot and watch the coffee stream inside.

7.) Throw away the dirty filter/coffee grounds once the coffee is made.

A couple weeks later, I looked back on it and suddenly was inspired to write a poem which I called Grounded. 



A soul as fragile as paper

has a place somewhere. 

Thoughts float and settle like dust. 

Somewhere deep inside, a quiet stirring. 

A river rushes hot and loud, 

finding a small space to filter. 

In a steady stream, the river and dust collect

among the cool ceramic surface. 

Warmth exudes, healing the cracks. 

And some evaporates, curls — 

and dances into the air.

coffee image 

cover photo taken by me