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Gorgeous Weather for Finals Week!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Have you checked the 10-day weather forecast for Northfield Minnesota? With a daily high of 70-80 degrees and lots of sushine, it’ll be perfect weather for moving your studies outside. If you find this too distracting, take your 20 minute study break in one of our sun-warmed adirondack chairs. These have your name written all over them!

Or take a friend, two Cage coffees, and chat for a bit!

Good luck on finals everyone! 
Her Campus St. Olaf

Founder and executive editor of the St. Olaf chapter of Her Campus, Lucy Casale is a senior English major with women's studies and media studies concentrations at St. Olaf College. A current editorial intern at MSP Communications in Minneapolis, MN, Lucy has interned at WCCO-TV/CBS Minnesota, Marie Claire magazine, and two newspapers. Visit her digital portfolio: lucysdigitalportfolio.weebly.com