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Fun with your funds: Fall fashion on a budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Do you watch your bank account balance dwindle to nearly zero every month as you engage in late night eating or fork up gas money for a trip to the cities? Among all the nightlife activities most college students spend money on every weekend, there is also the constant pressure of following the latest trends. But going clubbing…in the cities…in a $200 BCBG sequin dress…all on a college budget…sounds overwhelming, right?

While branded clothing is appealing and big name retailers such as Nordstorm draw you in like a magnet, is it worth spending $100 on a dress you’d find at half the price at a place like Forever 21, H&M or Target?

With fall temperatures hovering between 50 and 60 everyday, those summer sun dresses aren’t very helpful in keeping you warm. It’s a sign to shop for a new fall closet. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always come cheap when there is pressure to buy the latest trends from well-known designers.

When you start shopping for the new fall trends, keep in mind that you actually can do so on a college budget. In fact, by spending $50 on a clubbing dress as opposed to $100 will intrinsically allow you to go clubbing again that month. Through wise shopping, not only will you be able to purchase that designer-look alike for a cheaper price, but save for future spending.

It’s hard to keep your hands off the fall faux looks advertised in the window display of every store at the mall. This GIGI Faux Fur Vest can be found on the Guess website/store for $148. That’s 2/3 of our Flex dollars!

But, you can easily save $100 on this trend by shopping through H&M. A similar, and equally cute faux fur vest can be found at the H&M website and store for just $49.99.


Thinking of buying a sophisticated and classy black evening dress? While the branded BCBG may seem particularly attractive, it’s definitely not in everyone’s budget.
This trendy look can be found online at BCBG for $198.

Though Express is namely branded too, a similar dress, equally as chic, can be found online for $49.99.

Leopard print is back in! But, at a costly price. With some research and wise shopping, it’s easy to make a girl’s dream come true. The leopard pumps you want to own cost $129 at Express. That’s slightly over my meager budget for shoes.

But, it wasn’t difficult discovering a similar pair at Target for just $29.99. Not only does this save me a trip to the mall, but Target is 2 miles away from Olaf; the gorgeous shoes could be mine within minutes!

Buying the trendiest fall fashion is every other girl’s dream. It’s crucial to realize that just with a little research and a small budget, the faux fur, leopard heels, sequin dresses, jeggings and more can all be yours!

Bri attends St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota and is majoring in Psychology with concentrations in Media Studies and Women's Studies. She is most passionate about writing, traveling, cooking, hand-written letters and cheering on the Minnesota Vikings and Wisconsin Badgers. In her free time, she enjoys running, photography, attempting to blog and spending time with her amazing family and friends. She is currently an Arts & Entertainment Editor for the St. Olaf College newspaper with the lovely Lucy Casale and aspires to further explore the field of journalism after graduation.