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Fram Fram to Fitness: Switch It Up

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Hello, HC Fitness readers! The last time I talked to you I was giving winter activity tips with ways to keep your metabolism going in the freezing cold. Now I am coming from a very different angle. After three weeks of living in New Zealand, I can safely say my tips have strayed in the opposite direction of the words “skiing” or “snow.”  Instead, I have focused my horizons to a new and healthier lifestyle–in a different country, which at the moment is still in the “shorts” and “sunscreen” atmosphere.

These past three weeks have been a whirl win to say the least.  I just settled into my flat in the South Island city of Dunedin (a sort of apartment in New Zealand terms) after backpacking the North Island.  I learned a lot whilst swimming and hiking, even cooking in a multitude of places.  I noticed I even became more aware of what I was consuming and putting in my body–trying different veggies and fruits. There were many times during my journey where I felt sore and tired; the hikes were pretty strenuous, with one hike in particular called the “Tongariro Crossing,” which included hiking a volcano, which took me a little over nine hours.

Although there were many times where I envisioned myself swimming in the waters off of Hahei Beach (a place along the Coromandel Peninsula in New Zealand) I couldn’t help looking at the various hikes as achievements, helping to train me both mentally and physically for the half marathon that I have promised myself I will do.

[Photo: The beginning of the Tongariro Crossing in New Zealand.]

[Photo: I made it to the top of the Volcano on the Tongariro Crossing. This was a moment I will never forget, and will keep me going on my journey to a new healthier me throughout the next few months.]

Now sitting back at my flat in Dunedin where the University of Otago is, I am thinking of ways I can continue to better my lifestyle on my road to a healthier me. There are many streets around Dunedin that remain unfamiliar to me, so running around the city sounds enticing. There is even a new renovated gym that is not far from my flat.  There is also my new aim for a transformed eating style. As I stepped into the grocery store today, my mind fell immediately on “what foods are healthy” which I must say is very different than my normal thought process of “what looks delectable,” not that fruit and veggies aren’t, but these foods  do make me feel better at the end of the day. I decided I would buy some fruits and veggies; particularly something I don’t have often–avocado.
My goal for this week is to try different things in a new environment–food, running trails, gym, it will all be new. Whether you are abroad or at St. Olaf, I encourage you to try something different. Eat foods that are different from your norm, mix it up! If you are going to the Caf, reach for the wheat English muffin instead of the white, get the reduced fat cream cheese instead of the regular, try a grapefruit or orange. I always loved mixing grapes and blueberries when they were in season, or making my own fruit salad. For example, cutting up an apple, banana and an orange (using the citrus as sort of light dressing, or even grabbing some Sweet and Low and putting a little bit on the salad) is a scrumptious treat. If you are going to the gym try some sprints in your daily running routine, or use a bosu ball for crunches.

My point is, try something new. I am living in a new place, eating different vegetables and fruits and running on foreign land. You don’t have to be in a completely different surrounding, just keep it varied–it will surprise you how different it will make your daily routine.

Bri attends St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota and is majoring in Psychology with concentrations in Media Studies and Women's Studies. She is most passionate about writing, traveling, cooking, hand-written letters and cheering on the Minnesota Vikings and Wisconsin Badgers. In her free time, she enjoys running, photography, attempting to blog and spending time with her amazing family and friends. She is currently an Arts & Entertainment Editor for the St. Olaf College newspaper with the lovely Lucy Casale and aspires to further explore the field of journalism after graduation.