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Disney Princesses Understand Our Midterm Stress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Sometimes it feels like everyone on campus has their lives together except for you. But don’t worry, even these great princesses had their weak moments and have shared our pain…

When it’s so nice outside but you’re trapped in the top floor of the lib trying to get all your reading done:


When you have nightmares about essays, tests and denied internship applications:


When you get to the caf for breakfast and realize you didn’t even have time to brush your hair:


When you wish your pet was at school with you because you know you would be able to conquer anything with them by your side:


When you get excited because you found that leftover Valentine’s Day chocolate buried under that pile of books:


When you realize all the things you have to do for the week and try not to cry as you walk through campus:


When you finally get coffee in the morning and can feel its magic working:


Don’t worry Oles, you’re not alone! These princesses all believe in you, and spring break is just around the corner! WE CAN DO IT!




Cover photo Rapunzel Snow White Ariel Jasmine Ana Elsa Cinderella